In context: Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass service has exploded in popularity since its launch three years ago. While it was initially exclusive to Xbox One players, the subscription-based gaming platform eventually made the jump to PC has contributed to significantly accelerated growth.

As of today, Xbox Game Pass across all platforms has managed to attract an astonishing 15 million subscribers in total. That's not bad for a platform that only recently came to a wider audience, but a significant chunk of those customers only signed up recently.

To be more specific, Xbox Game Pass accrued five million new subscribers in the past six months alone.

The Covid-19 pandemic is probably one of the primary reasons for that growth, though the service's increasingly-enticing selection of games has certainly factored in. In the past few months, highly-anticipated titles like Wasteland 3 and Crusader Kings 3 have made their way to the service on release day.

In addition to recent hits arriving on Game Pass, users have future content to look forward to. The platform will soon receive a slew of EA games, and once Microsoft's purchase of Bethesda's parent company, ZeniMax Media, goes through, we can probably expect to see new and existing Elder Scrolls and Fallout games hit Game Pass as well.

Game Pass recently received a price bump, so if you want to sign up for the service, you'll need to shell out $9.99 a month. If that sounds like a worthwhile deal to you, you can sign up right here.