Android beats iOS in platform loyalty, study finds

How many times does it need to be said that Apple includes a headphone jack dongle. It might not be ideal for some people but it is still a headphone jack - it works as a headphone jack and does everything that a headphone jack is supposed to do. I have no problem with Apple dropping old technology, and in this case technology that was invented in something like the 1920s. What are you going to say when Samsung eventually drop the headphone jack, and they will!?
I have tried reading your comments. Worst experience ever. See how that works? Super easy to say something, but it is meaningless. Back it up with some thoughtful comments and then you have a discussion point where people can learn things and perhaps have a change of opinion as they become more informed.

First I'm not trying to convince anyone or change an Apple user's opinion, I'm simply stating that my experience with their products has been inferior when compared with the things I can do with an open ecosystem such as Windows and Android, to me, it's important to do almost anything with the hardware I have, Apple products are too closed, so they are pointless to me, that's MY OPINION and I'm not trying to convince you.
My windows phone syncs better with my windows PC , I'll regret the day I have to switch phone ,just because the masses ,refused to accept windows on the phone ,which as far AFAIK doesn't have the issues that android or ios user have. FFS M$ provided Office for both ios and android. because of the lack of an app option as good. go figure.
The difference / reason being "Android" includes a looooooong list of brands. iOS includes 1 brand. If you want iOS, pay Apple. No wonder there's so many Android-loyal people. They have the freedom to choose which brand they support.
Yeah you have a lot of companies targeting different customer objectives. It's healthier from that perspective. Google just has to sort out security updates for the ecosystem.
At the same time, your comment is both true and wrong. Sure, there is no jack built-into the iPhone 7 and later. However, the latest iPhones come with a dongle that is a headphone jack. Yeah, okay, I know that there are people who don't like the dongle but that doesn't alter the fact that it is a headphone jack.

Yes but that dongle uses your charging port, so it's a huge trade-off and you have that dongle hanging off your phone as you mentioned. If you want to charge and listen to your music like you could do on an iPhone 6 and earlier, you have to buy another adapter and attach that as well. Here you are having to use two adapters just to Jerryrig your phone to use the 3.5mm jack, it's crazy. So many other better options.

A last little bit, every iPhone after the iPhone 6s doesn't have an internal DAC. The little 3.5mm dongle has it built in instead but due to size constraints it's a lower quality one. Not something you'd expect from Apple, which made allot of it's money off music and headphones.
The reason I like Android. I bought my apple 4 gen Ipod and a Samsung Galaxy Tab at the same time. Basically the apple sits in a drawer because they updated the os and all the new apps are incompatible. the samsung is being used still all the apps still work and robustly. never will I buy such a proprietory gadget ever. I have never had a virus on the android . I'm sticking with android rain or shine or snow

I bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab, too. It got one update that was 18 months late and then never received another update. Apple products get at least 4 years of updates, often more. I hated being ripped-off by Samsung.

As for your apps that stopped working, I suspect that was the fault of the developers, not Apple.

Well, I have a Samsung S7 and it gets monthly security updates. Been getting them since I got it over a year ago. Things have changed for the better since you got your device possibly..
I like android for one main reason. YOU DON'T NEED proprietary software to Add/Remove music, photos, or video from them! I HATE ITUNES.
The dreaded iTunes... with more bloatware than ever and updates popping up every couple days, at one point I got an iPod shuffle as a gift and I hated iTunes, it ruined my experience.

First I'm not trying to convince anyone or change an Apple user's opinion, I'm simply stating that my experience with their products has been inferior when compared with the things I can do with an open ecosystem such as Windows and Android, to me, it's important to do almost anything with the hardware I have, Apple products are too closed, so they are pointless to me, that's MY OPINION and I'm not trying to convince you.
So what's the point of posting in a forum where you'll just leave your opinion and not contribute to the collective knowledge?

Well this is not really that different from many posters...
Until the iphone 6s is phased out at the end of the year, of course, as soon as the X2 or 8 or whatever launches.

At the same time, your comment is both true and wrong. Sure, there is no jack built-into the iPhone 7 and later. However, the latest iPhones come with a dongle that is a headphone jack. Yeah, okay, I know that there are people who don't like the dongle but that doesn't alter the fact that it is a headphone jack.
That is disingenuous. Saying "my device can use a dongle for proper functionality." Does NOT mean "my device has proper functionality".

The iphone 7 has no headphone jack, and is reliant on fragile, easy to lose dongles to use proper headphones. And to charge, you either have to stop listening to your music or buy a $35 dongle to plug your dongle into, and plug THAT into your charger.

All because apple wanted some stupid sensor nobody cared about.

The dongle is not a headphone jack. The dongle allows you to use your charging port as an audio jack, at the expense of being able to send audio and charge at the same time. That is a dealbreaker for a lot of people, and is nothing more then a thinly veiled excuse to try and lock people into buying more expensive peripherals. Having the dongle is not the same thing as having the native port on the device itself.
I'm not sure CIRP has come to the right conclusion being as all they're looking at is transition numbers between OSes.

It's not like they polled switchers and asked "Why?" ... they simply observed numbers and are making their own assumtions about those numbers - and we know what happens when you assume.

The transition could be more about unit costs - after all, the average Android handset is something like $250 and there are a gizillion more BOGO deals and the like on Android.

Methinks that inferring intent from numbers is a fools' game, and if you want true motives you have to go beyond statistics.