Apple apologizes, offers $29 replacement batteries to fix performance problems

You gotta love this new-wave liberal obsession with apologizing. You can get away with anything, so long as you're "sorry". South Park already did this but it's still true today, if not moreso.

"We're sorry. Now give us more money anyway, and buy more of our retarded crap."

(consumers) "Awww, that's so sweet! It's okay, there there trillionaires. We accept your apology, Langley-company-pretending-to-be-a-public-company."

Shackle-draggers at their finest.
Really? Apple cares? Maybe the next thing they should do is turn off the backlight of the screen to help you keep your precious iPhone even longer
LOL They are two steps ahead of me. This is what they do and it is NOT just the CPU

  • Longer app launch times
  • Lower frame rates while scrolling
  • Backlight dimming (which can be overridden in Control Center)
  • Lower speaker volume by up to -3dB
  • Gradual frame rate reductions in some apps
  • During the most extreme cases, the camera flash will be disabled as visible in the camera UI
  • Apps refreshing in background may require reloading upon launch