Behaviour of Wifi within steel boat

Good evening all

I am hoping all you wonderful folk may be able to help me understand the "science" of Wifi within a steel boat.

I grasp that the boat is not in fact a true Faraday Cage, however I assume its close. I have found that Steel blocks wifi (so we wont be getting signals from external Wifi's) and I have found that Steel reflects Wifi.

In layman terms could you help me understand what could be happening to the Wifi within the boat. We have a wireless dongle which all phones, tablets and laptops connect to. Is the Wifi accumulating and reflecting throughout the boat and unable to "escape"?

I hope Im making some sense here. Also I believe the range can be 20 - 60 meters that some can reach. Anyone know the radiation distance of mobile phones?

Thanks for your time
It's just like audio in that it reflects back onto itself and distorts the signal so as to not be useful - - sort of like have 2,3 stations in the same room on the same channel number - - just chaos
Re distance mobile phones. When connected to a cell town, it can be a goodly distance, but when using a wifi connection, it's not the phone that is the limiting factor - - it's the wifi station (in your case, the dongle).

If the dongle were on-deck, it would reach a fair distance above deck and over the water, but be little or no signal below deck.
Of course, weather is the bane of electronics, so that's not very practical.