Breakthrough could bring tenfold increase in battery life

I recall roughly 3-5 years ago reading something about "Fancy brand new battery technology promises 10 hours of battery life" i remember reading it used some sort of fiber-mesh to store electricity and they could mash tons of these fibers into the battery thusly storing tons of energy, Having just bought my first laptop and feleing limited by the 4 hours (now 1hour, hah!) I i thought this was very exciting news, yet here I sit 3-5 years later still reading about 4 hour battery life.

So this story doesn't seem too promising.
Quote(Butch) "This is absolutely correct. Big oil will likely buy the patent and we will never see this. I am an engineer in this field and I can tell you I have witnessed this personally on at least 3 occasions. Battery tech will not improve until we are nearly out of oil (and natural gas etc) and then it will be the the oil companies that control this tech and there is nothing to be done about it WITHOUT DRASTIC LEGISLATIVE CHANGES and that will not happen until we are are on the brink of disaster. Sorry folks, keep your chargers handy"

Exactly, at 2011, it is the world economy and the power of Finantial, Service and a pletora of industries that will get hurt if Oil Companies are let behave as they've done until now.

Ie if whole economy sectors together with Microsoft, Intel and the rest of IT firms realize that it is their actual income that gets hurt when this technology supression gets in effect once again, they will act and find a way to stop this outrageous abuse.

Actually when some politics get to realize that their district budgets had been largely severed by such long standing regressive behavior, legislative action would come out.
Doubt we'll see any huge improvements in batteries in 10 years either and remember similar stories to this one going back 8 years (back when the story broke of having terabytes of RAM on consumer PCs).

If those comments are correct from Butch+Guest (and probably are because I've heard the same from a friend who's a drilling engineering) about fuel companies buying those patents to limit competition, we'll see a huge improvement in 40-50 years once oil has just about run out. Then what do you know ...they'll have a monopoly again on the energy market and all of a sudden prices are up to what we're used to with crude oil plus tax, vat, etc.

What a selfish bunch we are on planet Earth, this fuel problem affects us all everyday in everyway.
I am totally exhillirated! For the life of me, I cannot figure out why on these smartphones techs are more concerned about the bells and whistles on these expensive gadgets, rather that the power supply, which makes the gadget work. But after reading this article, I find a little solace in my minds worrys about the techs these Tech schools are putting out. These batteries on these phones now are less than poorly adequate. I mean, if it were a car, one would not be going very fat at all.
I am totally exhillirated! For the life of me, I cannot figure out why on these smartphones techs are more concerned about the bells and whistles on these expensive gadgets, rather that the power supply, which makes the gadget work. But after reading this article, I find a little solace in my minds worrys about the techs these Tech schools are putting out. These batteries on these phones now are less than poorly adequate. I mean, if it were a car, one would not be going very fat at all.
I don't agree, I have been going fat for some years.