Dell laptop intermittent startup failure

I am attempting to reboot a Dell Inspiron 600m for a friend. I was able to install a fresh copy of Windows XP on it. The problem I am experiencing with it is that it often refuses to start up. I simply get a few lights, then they turn off. No attempting to run the CPU/Hard Drive etc.
I would assume the laptop is fried but it does not always do this. It also sometimes starts up and runs windows with no problems.
Any ideas on what is causing this problem and how to fix it?
Replace the system board battery. Disassemble and reassemble by removing the keyboard and tracking down the cables... especially the cable to the screen. Replace the screen inverter card... which is cheap and will be needed sooner or later anyway. Remove, clean cpu cooling fan, and replace. Remove and replace the heat sink if the metal of the old one is rainbow colored from excessive heat.
Track all cables and connections and connectors as you re-assemble.
If it is any good, this extra work, which may take four hours (after the ordered parts come in) and you will know if you are going to have a good experience or if you have wasted your time... and your friend's time.