Email notification seems to be in trouble



no notifications from last night (subscribed forums) and a brute force PM to self
never arrived either.

is email functioning?

(and yes I'm getting email from other correspondents :) )
Until the DNS propagates, the new server will not be able to send such messages.

We hope that to take place for most people later today. Then we will go into further troubleshooting if things don't work the way they are supposed to.
hum; that doesn't sound right. the stmp server is usually configured by IP address,
not a dns name --- the server config needs only use the new ip and outbound email
from Techspot should be functional --

BUT, I'll patiently await new content to my inbox :)
I'm not sure about email notifications but I just tested registration and vBulletin was successful at sending activation and welcome email. I have reopened registration as it seems to be working fine even with the IP address showing (not the domain name yet).

anyone working on getting subscription notices to email correctly?

I'm using Gmail, and everything is working great, I have seen many threads with new members creating threads that have received no activation e-mail.
Now that the DNS has fully propagated (for most at least) we will look into this more deeply.