File consumption different on different devices


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Hi all,
I've only noticed this as I have to do this in small chunks as the process isn't entirely reliable...
I'm re-transferring music onto my OnePlus 3T as I recently re-ripped it all in .flac and I'm transferring it in chunks over AirMore. To verify that it hasn't skipped any songs I am checking the storage consumption of the folders I have transferred to the consumption of that on my phone, and I've noticed so far that the same files that occupy 9.33GB on my computer occupy 9.64GB on my phone.
Anyone else notice this or have an explanation?
My first thought was that Flash storage stores files in blocks, so if a file doesn't completely fill out a whole block, it wouldn't be used by another file, so you'd end up with blocks that say they are occupied but in reality they are only half occupied?
I could be completely wrong...
Different systems (windows, mac, andriod) have different file system implementations so I fear the comparison is fallacious to begin with (ie comparing size).

I would sort the musing by say title on the source system, select a bunch of files, noting the title of the last, and perform the copy, after which you sort on the target and look for the last file.