Goldman Sachs wants court to force Google to unsend an email

There is no way Google is going to give an external entity the power to delete mails from someone else's account.
The NSA would love a backdoor to someones Email. As far as I know/care the door already exist, but they had better not tell the general public about it.
If the account is even active, surely by now with all the publicity the person has copied the document off the account and is having a good read through to see what parts can be sold. Or is waiting for GS to offer a nice big reward for the safe return of their document.

Finders keepers. Losers weepers.

I think you've seen one too many movies and/or misunderstand what's happened here.
The big problem here is the following sentence:
According to a report from Reuters, a Goldman Sachs contractor was testing changes to the company's internal systems to meet the requirements of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

Why the hell a contractor TESTING a system is using LIVE and CONFIDENTIAL data in the first place. Sue the contrator and fire his a$$.
I guess when you delete a Skype message, you just delete it from your own logs, not from the other people logs, they might still see it there.