Movie theaters to use emotion-detecting anti-piracy cameras

Wow... what a waste of time and money. Seriously... all these ****-blocks in the MPAA are a bunch of greedy dishonest no good chumps if you ask me. Look I understand and respect getting paid for the film some creators made being distributed through you, and trying to prevent those from distributing it for free without your consent. But this is going too far... you want people to stop pirating movies? Lower the pricing of your distribution rights and stop being so damn greedy. A much lower and reasonable cost of movies in physical media, online streaming, or movie theaters will have a considerably better effect on deterring would-be piraters. On top of this, embrace low cost distribution schemes for online streaming for Netflix and the like. This WILL work if you get the costs down to see and buy movies. Why? Because the two primary reasons people pirate a movie is because 1. it is free, and 2. it is easy. If you make the costs reasonable so people feel a movie is worth their money, and you make it easy for them to obtain the movie, they will be a LOT less likely to want to get a pirated copy of the movie.

It's really simple... get it through your thick heads. You can't rip people off forever, it is just as morally wrong as pirating a movie.

This technology seems to assume that pirates who are recording movies won't show emotion during the movie. Does this mean that somebody who isn't into the movie will set off the detector and get questioned about his/her motives? This doesn't seem right to me, even though I don't really mind my internet privacy.
Well, there is the messy business of being filmed playing, "how many fingers am I holding up", with your girlfriend. Bet her parents can't wait until that hits Youtube.....
I can see them using this in a free preview, its really no different (albeit creepy) then you filling out the survey, and the crew/stuido members in the audience that are watching the audience for reactions. Its no different than a director looking to see who laughs at what parts, just a bit more scientific.

But outside of free previews I would never agree to pay money while being monitored for my reactions. If I'm paying you, you're not getting any extra information out of me for free.
My take on this is if u have purchasing power then lets not pirate. But there are many public who wants to watch and get some entertain and at the same time they dont hav deep pockets to spend so what about those ppl. Who will think abt them if not the film industry? This is where these general public support piracy. And there will be continued demand for the same until or unless these costs doesnt come down significantly. Not everyone is born millionaire.
kg363 said:
people actually watch cam movies? I tried once but the quality put me off. I'd rather pay
^This. Seriously, I will always wait for the movie to come out on DVD *cough* rather than deal with the dreadful AV quality inherent to camcorders -___-
Imagine this technology being used to prevent the piracy of a remake of George Owell's 1984.

this is the most stupid idea I have ever heard, like we all agree. What happens if you are watching a film about people who illegally record video on cimenas, what the emotions will be recorded by the cameras?? aha,aha major flaw!

anyway, most of the piracy films are liked long before they reach the big audience and being broadcast in cinemas
Hahaha. this is no good for teens who do romance in the theater!
On the other hand, it is actually a brilliant idea. It is just like the scanner in International airports. I really don't care if they can see the you know for as long as it is for the security of our country!
This is insane. What's next? Stripping down people before entering the cinema? They don't want to record the movie but they record and process people's faces. I don't want to be regestered in database that I visited cinema on e.g. Thursday afternoon an my emotions were not so good.
so, this'll work in places like the US or Europe but what about pirate heavy places? I really don't see it as something against piracy, rather something against our privacy... they better say that this movie theater uses this technology before we get in, and I can guarantee no one will get in :)
I wonder what makes more ppl not go to the cinema, ability to watch cam recordings or being recorded while there
Well, I feel that maybe we should nos go to your homr bath cause maybe google or movie industry are watching you....
Now, the question remains: will theaters require consent from viewers, and would you be comfortable even if they did?
Actually all they need to do is to post a warning that there are cameras monitoring you and that's it. The Warning sign must be somewhere before you buy the ticket. So basically if you buy the ticket to the movie you give permission to be recorded while you watch the movie.
Seriously... the last time I was In a theater was In 1987 to see Predator, I've been renting movies In one form or another ever since then.
Now with this big 3D craze I'll be renting fewer movies, C'mon It's been 50 years and where STILL wearing stupid glasses.
They will go on forever trying to find ways to prevent piracy but the bottom line is, where there's a will, there's a way. In the same way anti-pirates try and prevent piracy, pirates will still find a way to overcome that obstacle until something new happens. They will be disabled for a while but then they will overcome that new obstacle and continue piracy. Everything in life is a cycle, think about it...
further invasion of privacy in the name of "preventing piracy". just wonderful. The worst part is, the majority of people won't know or won't care that it happens.
this is kinda odd

Wouldent a lithium detector be more simple !

and not because someone is filming the movie dosent mean hes not enjoying it !!