Piracy study concludes, results are... inconclusive

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True Theft is theft.

But .. piracy is piracy.

And breaking copyright laws is breaking copyright laws.

If I choose to infringe on someones copyright, that is exactly what I'm doing, and nothing else.
I'm not stealing. If i get caught and sentenced it will be for copyright infringments, not theft.

If grab your *** i might get sued for sexual harrement, I will not be sentenced or procecuted for murder.

If i kill some one I probably wil lnot be arrested for sexual harrement. I will be arrested and probably procecuted for the act i did, that is murder.

....you cant just make up new meenings to words as you go along, just because you lack an argument.

Stealing is theft, piracy is breaking copyright laws or restrictions.
not the same thing, never was, never will be.
And no matter how many times you or others scream theft,....its not ..

There might be loss of profit in both cases, but thats where the similaryties end.

In one case someone looses a product or/and money.
In the other someone might loose money, but they dont know...they are just guessing...but they really dont know....but they havn't lost any product, that is a sure thing.
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