The Internet Bill of Rights: Democrats are pushing to regulate online privacy


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Big quote: “The internet age and digital revolution have changed Americans’ way of life. As our lives and the U.S. economy are more tied to the internet, it is essential to provide Americans with basic protections online.” Ro Khanna’s introduction to his ten principles of online rights, which he hopes to make legislation if the Democrats win the House back in November.

Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi commissioned Khanna, who is California’s 17th district’s representative, to draft this ‘Internet Bill of Rights’ six months ago. Khanna discussed it with Silicon Valley giants such as Google and Apple (who are based within his district) and with think tanks and experts. Even internet founder Tim Berners-Lee chipped in, saying that “if the internet is to live up to its potential as a force for good in the world, we need safeguards that ensure fairness, openness and human dignity.”

The ten principles give you the right:

  1. To have access to and knowledge of all collection and uses of personal data by companies.
  2. To opt-in consent to the collection of personal data by any party and to the sharing of personal data with a third party.
  3. Where context appropriate and with a fair process, to obtain, correct or delete personal data controlled by any company and to have those requests by third parties.
  4. To have personal data secured, and to be notified in a timely manner when a security breach or unauthorized access of personal data is discovered.
  5. To move all personal data from one network to the next. (Data portability)
  6. To access and use the internet without internet service providers blocking, throttling, engaging in paid prioritization or otherwise unfairly content, applications, services or devices. (Net neutrality)
  7. To internet service without the collection of data that is unnecessary for providing the requested service absent opt-in consent.
  8. To have access to multiple viable, affordable internet platforms, services and providers with clear and transparent pricing.
  9. Not to be unfairly discriminated against or exploited based on your personal data.
  10. To have an entity that collects your personal data have reasonable business practices and accountability to protect your privacy.

Many of these principles have recently been in conflict, with #6 and #8 – net neutrality – currently in a tug of war between the FCC and California. The European Union has already legislated #3 in what’s known as “right to be forgotten laws,” while Instagram and Facebook have recently implemented #5. Essentially, the purpose of the principles is not to introduce new ideas but to summarize them into one list so that they can be supported and fought for as a whole.

All ten principles are good for internet users, there’s no debate there. Pelosi strongly believes that “legislation would get public support” and promises that Democrats will fight for the bill if they’re successful in the midterms, but will they be successful enough? Even if they are, will they manage to legislate it? Considering how hard the FCC has fought against California creating its own net neutrality, and how they blatantly ignored overwhelming public support for net neutrality, any bill supporting these rights would face an uphill battle.

Khanna agrees it will be a long road: “This is a 15-year fight, but I do not think tech is immediately primed against it and Congress is more willing to be strong on regulation,” he told the New York Times. “Tech is amoral — it is great in many ways but not as great in others, and they need to now spend the next 10 years thinking about how they shape that tech for public good.”

Pelosi insists that they must try regardless of the challenges they may face. “Something needs to be done to protect the privacy of the American people. Think backward a dozen years and look forward a decade. Like they say, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

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It's about time! Like the skies the limit on here. E-mails from Yahoo & Gmail flooded with scammers all sorts of crap.

1. ISP - internet service provider
2. ESP - email service provider
3. OSP - online service provider
4. PSP - payment service provider

I remember when I first got on the internet via AOL as FTPADMIN Beta tester there was only 3 of us and the internet using Netscape browser was amazing. That was in 1991. I officially was on the internet 1995. Today it's 2018 a lot of changes. I've been Web Developer since 1995. Back then there wasn't any viruses then one day we had them. Yahoo Live Chat Party everyone was talking over mic and texting was fun. Today I think one site does that PAL-Talk in UK. But you have to pay for that it has limits as well. I don't use it anymore.
This would have been nice a year ago but it's better late then never. At the very least it will give people a basis to sue when the next equifax happens.
I don't know if you've seen it or not, but Equifax in an act of heinous, arrogant, hypocrisy, is trying to start a, personal data protection service, along the lines of "Lifelock". And yes, this is after they themselves were hacked.

The unbridled hubris of these arrogant turds, who for decades have summarilky ruined people's credit ratings, harvesting data from every organization and business on the planet, now expect you to pay them to "protect you".

It honestly does, completely boggle my mind.
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I don't know if you've seen it or not, but Equifax in an act of heinous, arrogant, hypocrisy, is trying to start a, personal data protection service, along the lines of "Lifelock". And yes, this is after they themselves were hacked.

The unbridled hubris of these arrogant turds, who for decades have summarilky ruined people's credit ratings, harvesting data from every organization and business on the planet, now expect you to pay them to "protect you".

It honestly does, completely boggle my mind.

It's very disappointing but can't say I'm surprised. If it's there for the taking a company will do so. I think I'd actually prefer some other dystopian words portrays in movies at this point. Real Life has no guarantee of a happy ending.

It's good that you posted this here, it's relevant and should get more people's attention.
I usually try to find the simplest, least-subject-to-misinterpretation way to say what is meant.
Despite others saying differently, the right to secure personal date IS enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. ' Secure in Papers and Persons" to paraphrase a bit.
Those who have gone "whoring away" from these inalienable rights for profit or personal gain are guilty of high crimes against some of the most basic rights we as citizens of our great Nation are guaranteed in our most sacred and fundamental documents.