Watch this shopper 'accidentally' destroy four brand new smart TVs, causing $6000 worth of damage

This video is kind of funny and ridiculous all at the same time. Who sets up such a flimsy display right in front of the entrance? It was a disaster waiting to happen. They should fire the manager. If I was that guy I would have run out of the store and kept going.
Pretty obvious that it wasn't his fault. The TVs were not securely mounted, but just propped up on the stands. It was an accident waiting to happen, with the tvs placed in the middle of the entrance I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier. The TVs were set up like dominos waiting to fall. Did the store try to make him pay? While they were probably dinged there is no evidence they were destroyed as the article says.
It doesn't look accidental, at all. The dude intentionally goes back and pushes the TV and it's obvious.

When you accidentally knock something over what is your instinct reaction? Try to hold it, put your hand, how many of you have sent your phone flying over after clumsily dropping it and trying to "catch" it with your foot? Like it was a ball and you an expert futbol player lol.

Even on work related injuries, people with heavy machinery tend to get injured because when something fails their instinct kicks in and they get their hands or feet get caught in it.

It looks like he lost balance and tried to use the tv to get it... lol. Then instead of trying to avoid it actually falling, he jumps back and pushes the other one with his hand. This does not clear the store for not securing the tvs though, that's basic, but the dude actually pushed the tvs 'accidentally'.
I disagree, it looks real enough to me. The guy was squatting awkwardly looking at the TV when it falls over and into the second TV. His reaction to the sudden movement has him sit back and off balance. He puts out his arm to stabilize himself and hits the third TV.
The real problem is the store had these large awkward expensive tvs just balanced on the stands and not safely mounted.
I disagree, it looks real enough to me. The guy was squatting awkwardly looking at the TV when it falls over and into the second TV. His reaction to the sudden movement has him sit back and off balance. He puts out his arm to stabilize himself and hits the third TV.
The real problem is the store had these large awkward expensive tvs just balanced on the stands and not safely mounted.

Nah, it's fake. The actual store posted the youtube video. Anytime, comments are disabled, there is something fishy going on. There is no reason for them to disable youtube comments, unless they have something to hide. They simply want their cake and eat it too. Which is get a little exposure for the store, but don't have to answer to any questions regarding authenticity of video. Use your common sense, who would put up LCDs in that display and that flimsy? Do you have an LCD on a stand at home, go and try to tip it by pushing buttons to change channels, volume, etc. It would never happen. You need to actually push the LCD. Or, we are to believe manufactures put out LCD that are that easy to tip over?
Fake, fake, fake! The actual store posted the youtube video. Anytime, comments are disabled, there is something fishy going on. There is no reason for them to disable youtube comments, unless they have something to hide. They simply want their cake and eat it too. Which is get a little exposure for the store, but don't have to answer to any questions regarding authenticity of video. Use your common sense, who would put up LCDs in that display and that flimsy? Do you have an LCD on a stand at home, go and try to tip it by pushing buttons to change channels, volume, etc. It would never happen. You need to actually push the LCD. Or, we are to believe manufactures put out LCD that are that easy to tip over? Body and camera in perfect convenient position to hide his push. Publicity stunt. End of story.
Totally fake for all those who don't think so, just re-watch the video again and view in full screen. 1 you can see him push the first TV over, 2 then he jumps up all surprised and uses his left hand to push the back tv, to make sure that it falls over he swings his right back real fast to hit it again to make sure it goes.
furthermore none of the TVs are on stands, none have cords or are turned on, lastly the comment section on the youtube page is disabled so people cant talk about how fake it is, CASE CLOSED.
This is either a staged video (probably to garner publicity), or a whole bunch of stupid.
Where to begin-
First, putting the TV's right in front of an exit/entrance is just inviting trouble, and lawsuits. Whoever put them there HAD to know they would be bumped by customers coming and going.
Secondly, every TV display I have seen has shown the screens facing outward, usually mounted on a wall, and always turned ON. These were placed in such a way that the customers could only guess at the picture quality.
Third, as other commenters have noted, they were not mounted on their stands, but left balanced on the displays, which is a big safety no-no.
Fourth, I doubt very seriously if the sets were $1500.00 apiece, or even working, for that matter. See how close they are to the door? A thief could easily just walked in a grabbed one or all of them and run off before security could stop him.
Insurance claim? DENIED.
Fake, look how they are NOT attached to the base stands, I dare you to go push over your tv, the tv ad the base stand will fall over if you push hard enough, those were barely in the bases and didn't have the holding screws in them
Staged. the first set to fall, the one he touched just tipped right over. they don't do that. the one behind it was going over due to the impact and his unnatural reaction to stick out his left arm while retreating was enough to easily take the others down. so we can't really see the rigged stand on the first monitor, the others appear properly setup, but his actions could take them down+ this isn't how monitors are set up in stores or anywhere else= nope. that's my math on it.
I'm sorry but this was lame as F***

obviously fake.

When have you ever seen TV's setup like that at the front door ?
After 6 yrs. working at rac, I can tell you that none of the bases where on those tv's. without the bases attached, they can fall from the wind of an openning door.
Who sets up a TV display like that?
1) TVs not mounted on a stand (how did they stay upright?).
2) On display in front of entrance
3) No room to properly view the 2 inner TVs
4) Since TVs are near the entrance, probably too much glare to see the screens properly
The customer looked like he was trying to fiddle with the controls (like contrast, etc). A light touch then sends 2 TVs falling to the ground since they weren't properly mounted/secured. He jumps back due to being surprised and knocks over the 2 TVs behind him. IMO, the accident is the store's fault for an improperly setup display.
Yeah well, it looked to me like the guy pushed the 1st set over on purpose, then conveniently "fell" backwards into the 2 TVs behind him. Although, I do think the running of his hands through his hair was a wonderfully theatrical touch. It's just a pity he isn't a better actor. ..:eek:
If this is not fake then the store is lucky no one was around when it happened and "customer" should not be charged. Those TV's needs to be mounted being placed on a high traveled space in the store. that is one big law suit waiting to happen.
Stores should have insurance exactly for this kind of issue. And it should be quite difficult to actually topple a TV from its stand.
Typical for England's more outlying areas - an antiquated store chain does something incredibly foolish by both setting up a display that's clearly asking for trouble but ALSO by not better securing their display. SMH LOL