In a move that comes as a slight sigh of relief to Universities and privacy advocates in the U.S., a piece of controversial legislation has been withdrawn, following extreme outcry. The amendment, which was part of a larger education act, would have put some severe (and vague) restrictions on Universities in the U.S., including the compiling of a "Top 25" list that would no doubt bring oodles of joy to the RIAA:

Reid's amendment would have required the Department of Education to compile an annual list of 25 colleges that were considered the worst culprits in file-sharing, based on the volume of letters received from RIAA and MPAA enforcers--letters that are not subject to judicial oversight, and are considered opinions of the RIAA and MPAA.
Due to immense public distaste, including from education institutions, for the moment it has been moved to the wayside. It doesn't mean it won't surface again, as the abusive RIAA and their large bankroll is not going after a better business model. Instead, they continue to push for more control over what people can do and what information they have access to.