Combined Systems, a Pennsylvania-based company who manufactures tear gas used by law enforcement agencies around the world had its website defaced and then destroyed yesterday by hackers associated with the loosely knit group Anonymous, as part of the first anniversary of the Bahrain uprising.

The hacktivists targeted the US ammunition supplier for their part as war profiteers selling "mad chemical weapons to militaries and cop shops around the world," according to information posted on Pastebin. The data uploaded contained several employee user credentials as well as emails and account information of customers.

They didn't stop there though. "Our tag team of mayhem went the extra mile by dumping email for some of the pigs ordering anti-protester gear off their shitty website. We also hit, some shitty CCTV surveillance company owned by former FBI director Clarence M. Kelley (their password was 'government'). Do you think they will appreciate the irony of being owned due to buying 'security' products from a compromised website?"

Along with the haul of private information the hacker collective also taunted the firm. "Combined Systems, lay down your arms: you just lost the game. In the past we have marched on your offices in Jamestown, Pennsylvania: now it is time to march on your websites. All your 'less than lethal' arms were simply no match for our 9000 cocks and mad blackhat technique. We came, we saw, we rooted and rm'd your website. Umad?"

"How long do you think we had your website backdoored, capturing all incoming customers registrations and orders? 42? If you ever get your website back up, do you think you will be anything more than a shadow of your former self? Will your clients ever trust you again?," they commented further.

The company's website, is still down as of writing, with load requests returning with "403 forbidden" messages and appears to have been completely wiped.

Combined Systems has not responded to any requests for comment.

Last week the hacker collective targeted the email accounts of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his support staff, disclosing potentially sensitive information pertaining to the regime and their opinions of other nations. Several of those in the list published on Pastebin used two of the worlds least secure passwords, 12345, and 123456.