10 Tech Predictions for 2017

Bob O'Donnell

Posts: 81   +1
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<div class="bbWrapper">&lt;div class=&quot;bbWrapper&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;div class=&amp;quot;bbWrapper&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Predicting the future is more art than science, yet it’s always an interesting exercise to engage in as a new year comes upon us. So with the close of what was a difficult, though interesting year in the technology business, here’s a look at my predictions for the top 10 &amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;https://www.techspot.com/article/1304-tech-predictions-2017/&amp;quot;&amp;gt;tech developments of 2017&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br />
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&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;https://www.techspot.com/article/1304-tech-predictions-2017/&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img alt=&amp;quot;&amp;quot; src=&amp;quot;https://static.techspot.com/articles-info/1304/images/2017-01-03-image-5.jpg&amp;quot; /&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/div&amp;gt;&lt;/div&gt;</div>
It sounds like it could all be feasible but I'll wait till the end of the year. Fully autonomous and proper, affordable electrical vehicles can't come fast enough. None of this overpriced, overrated Tesla nonsense for me although I have to give them kudos for their pioneering spirit and I realise that none of this comes cheap, and not in just monetary terms.
It sounds like it could all be feasible but I'll wait till the end of the year. Fully autonomous and proper, affordable electrical vehicles can't come fast enough. None of this overpriced, overrated Tesla nonsense for me although I have to give them kudos for their pioneering spirit and I realise that none of this comes cheap, and not in just monetary terms.
the chevy bolt looks like the best answer for next year. Same range as the model S, 1/3rd the price.
If, for example, vendors build hand-held devices running desktop operating systems that can also snap into or serve as the primary interface for a connected car and/or a smart home system, what would you call that?

"A total mess". See every single "let's put full Windows on your phone then declare the desktop and laptop are dead" failed clickbait prediction in every single previous year going back to the era of dumb phones and "Palm" PDA's. You're basically describing "a remote control app" on a Bluetooth phone / tablet but with all the security problems of a "Big OS". That's as "ground-breaking" for vehicle IoT applications as saying building a dining room extension will grant your family the radical new ability of "eating food" and a new marketing label is required to "explain" it vs eating the same food in the kitchen / living room / outside the house...

90% of vehicular IoT "features" are pure gushing marketing fluff that simply replicate what's already being done on handheld devices that by definition will be carried in the car anyway. Play back music from a pocket sized device via car speakers? Welcome to 1980's. GPS navigation? Early 2000's. Your car can now act as a hotspot? Wow! So doing the same thing a $30 Mi-Fi dongle / phone hotspot feature has been doing for years, but paying a $1,000 premium for "IoT connectivity integration option" from the dealer, plus yet another contract / Sim card to keep track of for yet another redundant method of accessing the net...
At the moment I don't really care about IoT, it has at least a decade from now on to refine and fine tune, but I agree about assisted driving(prediction no. 4). For a reasonably secure autonomous driving we need much more computing power, better sensors and better equipped roads.And laws.
I stopped reading these predictions at the "Smart Home" products portion since it makes absolutely NO MENTION OF SECURITY. WTF?

Sorry but smart home products will go nowhere meaningful without manufacturers trying to make a quick buck on a device that exposes the homeowner to any number of attacks on their private network.
Fully autonomous cars by end of year ("2018" model for sale late October).

I do wonder just how liable a manufacturer should be if a product saves a huge proportion of lives at risk. So I expect legislation of liability caps as well. Reinsurance will benefit hugely.
I stopped reading these predictions at the "Smart Home" products portion since it makes absolutely NO MENTION OF SECURITY. WTF?
Indeed : IoT security camera infected within 98 seconds of plugging it in...

The real security check when buying home "security" devices is to check whether it's covered in gushing "Internet of Things" marketing speak. If it is, leave it on the shelf and buy something else that isn't a 'lead parachute' by design...
Haha. Infected in 98-seconds! They could make a movie out of that. ;)
Prediction #11: Buyers will get robbed, hijacked, stolen, and identity-thieved breached via Alexa and all the IoT with not much thought being given to security at all.
Prediction #12: Buyers will realize that most of the bright shiny things being shown at CES are not worth the time, money and effort.
This is a great collections of thoughts and I think you have nailed the topic. I particularly liked your thoughts about small projects exploding. To know if you got this one right, we need to define what is an IoT project and define small, but I tend to agree.