FBI investigating 4chan's DDoS attacks against antipiracy sites

Anonymous says it wants to keep all information on the Internet free and available to everyone. In other words, to them, copyright is a form censorship.

I wish Anon would just admit they're just cheap instead of trying to BS themselves. At least they'd be telling the truth. When I pirated music, it was because I was poor and it was easy, not because I had some sort of 'moral' principal. That probably goes for 95% of downloaders.

But talk about a waste of money on the government's part.
You guys should be careful posting that FBI seal, wouldn't want you guys to get sued ;) . [LINK]

Anyway good luck to the FBI, this seems like a wild-goose chase to me and a waste of time.

Forgive my ignorance, but I thought they only investigated federal crimes, not common crimes like the Police do? Or are those sorts of crimes deemed federal?

Or is the FBI like the super-cops of the USA?

I always find your law enforcement strange. Here in the UK we just have the Police, they deal with all crimes, big or small. Then we have intelligence agencies like MI-5, and the super secret MI6 intelligence agencies.

You guys have the Police, DEA, FBI, CIA, US Marshalls Service, and countless others. lol.

It's complicated Leeky...this is my understanding of it and I'm pretty sure I'm missing something.

1. The police here in the US can be described as the following, police officers, sheriffs, state troopers, constables & rangers some of which are elected officials that we choose in our local elections some are not. All are basically the same but depending on where you live you're serviced differently. Most important thing about them to remember is that they have jurisdictions.

2. We have a lot federal agencies as well for different areas. Firstly the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) which I guess are like super-cops as you described. To sum up the basics they deal with bigger & more complicated crimes on the local, state and federal level by supporting local law enforcement on top of other priorities like counter terrorism, counter intelligence & cyber warfare which is why they are investigating this.

We also have other agencies like DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), CBP (Customs and Border Protection), USMS (United States Marshals Service), USSS (United States Secret Service) & FPS (Federal Protective Service). All of these minus the FBI are under the DHS (Department of Homeland Security).

We also then have the NSA (National Security Agency) which is part of the DoD (Department of Defense) as well as the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). However they aren't really classified as law enforcement agencies and are known for breaking laws :p .

Oh ya don't forget about all our Military law enforcement too! Each branch has its own Military Police (MPs) and there own criminal investigation services like CID (United States Army Criminal Investigation Division), NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service), OSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations), CGIS (Coast Guard Investigative Service).

I likely forgot several but as you can see we have a plethora of agencies that deal with all sorts of crimes depending on its nature. Several of which have TV shows made after them lol.
I remember when I thought of myself as like most of those kids on 4chan who do things like this. While there are a large number of those kids who probably could be identified with some investigation, there are far more people who are truly anonymous, and I really don't think that the FBI is ever going to find them. This is truly a waste of time and tax money.

And yes, our justice system in the good ole US of A is really, really confusing, and jurisdiction tends to get in the way of many agencies' pursuit of criminals.
Although jail time and fines are a possibility, most attackers functioned behind proxies and botnets. Since drones were doing most of the work, the FBI may have difficulty pinning the attacks on the right people.

I'd agree with this.. I can see some innocent people having a squad car and a couple of FBI owned vehicles visiting them bright and early on a Saturday morning.
Exactly, since the people who run the government are mostly old prunes they haven't the slightest idea of whose exactly behind the attacks. It should also be mentioned that there are a 101 4chan clone sites out there, many of which aren't specific to the U.S.
You're right. It's George Orwell's 1984 all over. I hope people get more thick-skinned for their own good. And soon.

Thank you for that post, I can understand things slightly more now - I suppose the important note for me is every single one of them carry guns! We have it so easy here, the worst we can expect if we're bad citizens is some pepper spray and maybe a telescopic baton to unwanted areas. We certainly wouldn't get shot as the normal police on the streets don't have guns. Well thats true of most law enforcement here. :haha:

Our police don't, well not unless they're the flying squad, ARV's (Armed response vehicles but we don't have many of those in the country!).

So given your information, if I was (I'm not, honest!) a international drug baron, murderer and pimp, I'd have the FBI, ATF, DEA and ICE most likely after me... Jeez, life is simple in the UK!! :haha:

P.S. I knew NCIS, I watch NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles on TV - Very good stuff that is! :)
I agree with this being a waste of tax payers money, but... they did break a law. But... what does "The FBI Investigating" means? You think the whole department is working on that? I bet they got the new kid to search it.
I agree, the FBI is off the mark. They should be going after the domestic terrorists at the MPAA and RIAA.
Lets spend money chasing down internet pirates instead of using our resources to catch insider traders, drug dealers, murders and child molesters yeah!
4Chan is an impenatrable force to be reckonned with. I guarantee over 100,000+ people use 4chan...and i would go as far as assuming that half of them are very very technically inclined.
They will probebly never catch the folks that had something to do with it.