Found this disturbing on Andriod's



Microsoft is definitely bringing Cortana, its digital assistant ...
However, Bright reports that Microsoft has managed to make Cortana on Android “pretty close to Cortana in Windows 10, Windows Phone, and Windows 10 Mobile.”

When you install the app, it asks for “a ton of permissions,” including the ability read and send SMS messages, place calls, access contacts, calendars, accounts, and more. When you open the app, it looks nearly identical to the Windows 10 PC equivalent. The assistant’s knowledge and configuration continues to be driven by the “Notebook,” and Cortana can offer alerts and information on the same types of topics, like weather, places to eat, traffic conditions, or even warnings on when it’s time to leave for an appointment.
Just doesn't seem right for an 'enlightened search' imo.

Context was the article here.
I heard Cortana was a really good one. It sounds interesting to me when I found out how it works.