Is Robocopy slow?


Posts: 165   +2
I'm using Robocopy in my Windows 10 PC, to back up to an external 3.5" hard drive mounted on a docking station (SATA to USB) on a USB 3.0 port.

I suspect it is slow compared to just a drag-and-drop with File Explorer or using a back-up software such as Macrium. I haven’t tested this, I’m backing up now for the first time like this, I may be wrong. It's been 5 hours to back up 250GB!.

Is Robocopy inherently slow? Perhaps because it’s very thorough in regards to integrity?

This is the command I'm using: Robocopy F:\ D:\ /MIR /R:0 /MT:32 /NP /B /SL /SJ /NFL /NDL /LOG:"C:\Users\JohnK\Documents\Backup.log"

I’m thinking Robocopy may be more suited to other type of backups. Any opinions much appreciated.
I'm using Acronis software. On average it only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to backup 20 to 30 GB of data. The data rate should have a linear scale. I'm not familiar with Robocopy but data rates should be similar.

For reference; I'm using a USB drive to boot from. And writing the image of an SSD to the same USB drive.
Maybe Robocopy in this case depended on your device default resources, So tools that depend on multi-threading technology will be robust and quick like the tool mentioned "Macrium" and also there are some alternatives if you love to check out like Gs Richcopy360 and GoodSync