Mary Meeker releases 197-page Internet Trends report for 2015

Shawn Knight

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Renowned stock analyst turned investment partner Mary Meeker presented her annual State of the Internet address during Re/code’s Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Her Internet Trends report is a highly regarded assessment of the overall Internet economy and this year’s 197-page edition was no exception.

One of the key takeaways from the report is the impact of the on-demand economy. Technology has made it increasingly easier to live the on-demand, instant gratification lifestyle that so many of us are now accustomed to. You can have a car at your door, reservations for a restaurant booked, watch nearly anything you want and book your next vacation within minutes, all from a mobile device.

This on-demand lifestyle has also led to some pretty serious workplace changes. For many, the idea of a set 9-5 work week is no longer a reality. As Meerker notes, 20 percent of millennials describe themselves as night owls while a third believe their working life will consist largely of flexible hours.

Meeker hit on a number of other keys topics as well such as the rapid growth in online video. Streaming video accounted for a whopping 64 percent of consumer Internet traffic last year.

Looking ahead, she believes “buy buttons” may be the next big thing. Adding in the ability to shop at sites that people spend most of their time – especially on mobile – could be as seamless as the evolution of mobile usage itself.

Meeker’s full report is now online for those interested in delving deeper.

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