New York's new low-income broadband law is already under fire by Big Telecom

I have a 1Gb/s subscription with Telekom (1Gb/s up too) with no cap in Hungary for $25. The situation in the US is ridiculous and consumers are being robbed. It is pretty ironic that the country where the internet was born and what is thought to be one of the most advanced societies on the globe still has early 2000's grade internet access for a high price in many parts of the country.
Why stop there? Let’s pass laws that demand free food, free rent, free healthcare, free cars, free education, free houses, free vacations…..hell…just FREE EVERYTHING! I don’t want to work anymore …it’s just too dangerous. You could get hurt and even sick with a virus. Why work and pay for stuff I use when the government can just make laws that big companies have to give it all to me for free so I can stay home and play video games. …all in exchange for a simple vote for one party. What are we waiting for, people, the revolution is here!!!
I take it you support universal basic income. ;)
Yeah, like when Trump wanted to shut down all travel from China and your precious Democrats called him a racist, said there was nothing to worry about, exempted themselves and their friends from lockdowns...yeah, we haven't forgotten.
We haven't forgotten the attempts of the orange one to return the USA to monarchy. Isn't that a bit too conservative wanting to return to a monarchy?
Now Biden is looking to do the same thing to India and the silence from the progressive media is deafening.
This law has zero chance of survival.
It’s outside of the state’s legal ability.

I’m never going to understand the mask debate.
Why is it so hard to put on a mask? To keep yourself safe. It’s one thing if you can’t and there’s exemption for that. Otherwise: Just shut up and put the damn mask on.

And why do you care if someone else isn’t using one if you are? It’s their life. Just shut up and let them die.

And why do we need masks AFTER vaccination? If the vaccine works the mask is not a medical necessity any more.

And why do the left find a need to bring President Trump and Masks and every other talking point into every post they make. This was about a tech law.
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This law has zero chance of survival.
It’s outside of the state’s legal ability.

I’m never going to understand the mask debate.
Why is it so hard to put on a mask? To keep yourself safe. It’s one thing if you can’t and there’s exemption for that. Just shut up and put the damn mask on.

And why do you care if someone else isn’t using one if you are? It’s their life. Just shut up and let them die.

And why do we need masks AFTER vaccination? If the vaccine works the mask is not a medical necessity any more.

And why do the left find a need to bring President Trump and Masks and every other talking point into every post they make. This was about a tech law.
Amen. You worry about you and let everyone worry about themselves. Scared someone might not be wearing a mask in the middle of an outdoor public park? Stay home. Telework. Order in. I don’t mind wearing a mask either but I’m sure not going to go through some mental gymnastics to pretend like I care if you don’t wear one. This was made into a political issue by the leftist media and now everyone seems shocked by it being perceived as one.
Amen. You worry about you and let everyone worry about themselves. Scared someone might not be wearing a mask in the middle of an outdoor public park? Stay home. Telework. Order in. I don’t mind wearing a mask either but I’m sure not going to go through some mental gymnastics to pretend like I care if you don’t wear one. This was made into a political issue by the leftist media and now everyone seems shocked by it being perceived as one.
I’m both vaccinated and wear a mask. I don’t fully trust the vaccine. Telling me I MUST use one after vaccination just further erodes my trust.

but I honestly can’t figure out why a masked person freaks out over an unmasked person. you’ve got a mask. They don’t. You’re protected, they’re not. Why do you care if they die. Or don’t.
mind your own business.
Because I
I’m both vaccinated and wear a mask. I don’t fully trust the vaccine. Telling me I MUST use one after vaccination just further erodes my trust.

but I honestly can’t figure out why a masked person freaks out over an unmasked person. you’ve got a mask. They don’t. You’re protected, they’re not. Why do you care if they die. Or don’t.
mind your own business.
Because it’s not about their health, it’s about conforming. The left loses their collective marbles when someone doesn’t conform to their views. Period.
As if the left is the is the party of libertarianism. This article is literally the opposite of that. The King of NY setting the price of something he equates to bread. I think I’d prefer a monarchy over a communist regime.
Life in NY is so expensive, it makes little to no sense that Internet should cost $15. I mean, if it is below $50, then it just should be free completely. The government could easily just pay $15 for light Internet subscriptions by themselves, and remove the subscription burden from the poor altogether.

In areas where cable infrastructure is already well established, they are still making good money at $15 a month. In most of these area's the cable infrastructure already paid for themselves in large magnitude. The cost to maintain is low. The cost to turn the service on and allow service is incredibly low.

Its funny that people would be angry that companies like Comcast isn't making a ton of money off its users.
Axios notes that the coalition of trade organizations states the law will hinder providers' efforts to upgrade their infrastructure.

ROFL well there's the joke of the decade when's the last time these twats upgraded their infrastructure to the benefit of the consumer
As if the left is the is the party of libertarianism. This article is literally the opposite of that. The King of NY setting the price of something he equates to bread. I think I’d prefer a monarchy over a communist regime.

No surprise there. Pretty much all rednecks think that would be better for them. But you don't *choose* a monarchy, it's something foisted on you - but it seems like you guys love grovelling to your 'superiors' LOL. All those elections are such a faff, especially when you keep losing them, best to just have a rich white dude rule everything and you can stop that annoying 'thinking' that them there fancy educated people indulge in...
"Several telecom groups are pushing back on the law. USTelecom, CTIA, the New York State Telecommunications Association, and others are suing the state, claiming it lacks the authority to dictate broadband rates. Axios notes that the coalition of trade organizations states the law will hinder providers' efforts to upgrade their infrastructure."
- They weren't upgrading their infrastructure anyway. Do we need to be reminded of that guy near Hollywood that could only get 5Mbps? They're lying through their collective teeth because somehow, as Peter Farkas points out, 1Gb/s with no cap is only $25/month in Hungary. There's nothing more pathetic than a millionaire crying poor.

It's amazing that this is even an issue. When I was in university, the town in which the university was located had free WiFi supplied by a town initiative in co-operation with the university. It was well-implemented too because it was literally EVERYWHERE and had great reception. I don't think that a single person ever went over their phone's data limit in that town.

The funny thing is that this was LONG ago (well over a decade) and universal WiFi today would be even less expensive to implement. Some would say "That's a small town, what about a large city?" to which I would reply "A large city has a crap-tonne more disposable revenue than a small town and will often have several universities within its borders which makes it even MORE feasible."
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Because masks do not protect you, people wearing masks protects you. A mask catching most of the stuff coming from your gob is why people should be wearing masks, not someone wearing a mask to protect them.