Nintendo is complaining about a ROM store owner they sued missing a $50 payment

Gosh - Read a bit more about it in their original article. It's more.
Oh, do take your own advice. The article(not from TorrentFreak) I read stated that the site was generating approx $800 a month. After expenses and what not he was taking home about $50 or $60 of that... Per month. Not day, not week, per month.

Supporting him right now is supporting blatant piracy.
Quit virtue signaling. I'm not supporting piracy. However I'm also not supporting Nintendo being completely antisocial dinks and hounding a guy into homelessness. They got their victory. The site was shut down and the operator was put out of business. Nintendo squabbling over pennies at this point is just bitter, spiteful and vindictive. They know damn well they're never getting that $2.1m, nor even a significant portion of it. They need to let it go...
Oh, do take your own advice. The article(not from TorrentFreak) I read stated that the site was generating approx $800 a month. After expenses and what not he was taking home about $50 or $60 of that... Per month. Not day, not week, per month.

Quit virtue signaling. I'm not supporting piracy. However I'm also not supporting Nintendo being completely antisocial dinks and hounding a guy into homelessness. They got their victory. The site was shut down and the operator was put out of business. Nintendo squabbling over pennies at this point is just bitter, spiteful and vindictive. They know damn well they're never getting that $2.1m, nor even a significant portion of it. They need to let it go...
How is $50 a month hounding a guy into homelessness? This was also a figure he himself proposed and agreed to. Seems awfully lenient to me, since he was charging for some of these services and hosting modern switch games. Nintendo is making the case that this guy is blatantly ignoring the law and has no intent on stopping. You need to let go of defending this guy.
I think Nintendo is grossly exaggerating the impact these sites have on their business.
Absolutely true. But, this guy made the mistake of providing his own legal defense and did a bad job of it, if he did not point out the ridiculous exaggeration of the impact, the judge is basically expected to take it at face value.

How is $50 a month hounding a guy into homelessness? This was also a figure he himself proposed and agreed to.
Because foodstamps etc. by design pay the bare, bare minimum one needs to survive, if that, not $50 above it. They took away his sole source of income (which was illegitimate so fine), then expect him to pay more than his disposable income. I doubt the $50 was his idea, judges will simply not let someone set up for like $1 a month payments or whatever. The one time I was in court here in Iowa (traffic violation), I saw a homeless guy get the $50/month payment plan for his $300 (probably a $40 fine and $260 in crap fees and charges the city, county, and state tack on.)
This guy is far from being cancelled. Depending on how it's been reported, most commenters side with him rather than Nintendo.

I didn't mean to suggest he had been cancelled. I'm just pointing to the fact that society (at least American society, I can't really speak beyond that) is increasingly comfortable making a moral judgement and collectively punishing individuals for wrongs, real or perceived, whether or not any law has been broken. This is how I feel about Nintendo's actions here. I'm not saying they don't have the right to act as they did. I'm not saying they should not have the right to act as they did. I would just like to discourage them from exercising that right again in the future.

I'm really pretty ambivalent about how the legal system treated this case. Yeah, this guy made multiple bad choices that resulted in his current circumstances. I just don't want this kind of crap clogging up my legal system and resulting in more case law that requires more money to interpret, reinterpret, and expand. I'm not pro-piracy, I'm anti-piracy-litigation.

That guy should really start to get a job and stop stealing from others. No matter how people hate Nintendo,that guy is the one to blame in the story. The 50 per month for thousands of years penalty is too forgiving not to mention our money is becoming less and less valuable every year.
Assuming he is young. Say in his 20's and average man lives to about 80 or so - he would need to get a job that pays nearly 40000 USD a month in order to pay the entire 2,1 million in about 52 years. That's a tall order as most people barely make 100k a year- let alone 40k a month. Unless this 2,1 million figure is reduced to something far more reasonable. Say 100k total I dont think he will ever be able to pay up the entire sum.

Also that's 40k just to Nintendo every month. But then he would have other expenses too and would need to make even more than that. Considering thet even top surgeons in the US make about 250k a year that would mean that even if he became a top surgeon overnight he would still make "only" 20k a month. Half of what would be need to pay the required 2.1 million in his lifetime.