PC Gamer?


Posts: 1,515   +1,341
Can we be more specific? I think maybe it matters. Most of us are Windows gamers. Many, to their dismay. Many reasons to dislike Microsoft and their practices, but that's for another discussion. This is actually secretly a thread about Windows 11. lol I mean, it's 'our' new console. Isn't it?? Think about it, makes perfect sense to me. Not saying I relish the thought. Quite the contrary, but in light of that, I'm given pause and compelled to think more seriously about what options I have going forward.

Discuss please, I am very much interested in feedback. I have no idea what I am going to do in regards to Windows 11. With 7 I was on it early beta and never looked back. Can't recall what compelled me to take the leap at the time, but it turned out to be the best decision for a whole lot of people. Early adoption is just another early access in a sense and being ahead of the curve can have as significant of benefits as drawbacks and potholes.