Pointing mouse over an icon does not show its location!

I just recently re-installed Windows XP on my PC & im havin a little bug.
When you point the mouse over any file or folder, it shows where that file or folder is
located, e.g...Point over Firefox Icon & it shows something like...

Location C:/Program Files/Mozilla...

But when i do the same...it does not show the location of that Icon!
Its REALLY annoying me.....CARE TO HELP ANYONE????

After opening any Windows folder go to Tools > Folder Options > View tab. Scroll down to the bottom and make sure the "Show pop-up description for folder or desktop items" is checked.
To....Hero Of The Day!!!

HEY mailpup....
Did u know that you're my savior???? lol
Thanks a lot man....Seriously, i didn't know how to solve this bug before!!
If there's ANYTHING thats buggin' you....feel free to contact
After opening any Windows folder go to Tools > Folder Options > View tab. Scroll down to the bottom and make sure the "Show pop-up description for folder or desktop items" is checked.

I saw this post yesterday.. or last night my time and wanted to answer but could not for the life of me remember how to enable the description....lol. I guess age is taking it's toll on my memory,... lol. Good answer mailpup. :approve: