Sony targets GeoHot and team over PS3 root key hack

As if the PS3's game market wasn't already small enough. Now no developer will make games they know will be easily pirated. Btw anyone played MW2 online recently? Instant nukes, infinite ac130, health, ammo, aimbots. erasing others stats, and gun classes. Mw2 online is completely ruined now. These individuals who hacked it have no lives, they aren't givers to society, just takers. **** you fail0verflow, and **** you Geohot
Are you kidding me? You're trying to say that the games we play are fun? Look...they are VERY fun in the first 6 months or so of playing online. All of the 'try-hards' are doing their very best to compete, and look good. What you're failing to realize is, is it's not about 'cheating'. It's about FUN. Have you ever been on MW2, and been in a kick *** Challenge Lobby? I doubt it. There are very stupid people who host, and make you mad by screwing up certain things, and taking some things away from you, and then there's the other ones who make it awesome. They're the ones who take gaming to an entirely new level. Get over yourself. Go buy a Wii, and GTFO.
They need to use cartridges for further game consoles because no one can burn them