Various means to control win/10 updates



According to

  • you can control WHEN the updates are download and installed
    When you set a connection as “metered,” Windows 10 won’t automatically download updates on it. Windows 10 will automatically set certain types of connections — cellular data connections, for example — as metered. However, you can set any connection like as a metered connection.
    Just mark it as metered and Windows 10 won’t automatically download updates on it. If your connection offers unlimited downloads at a specific time — for example, during the middle of the night — you could mark the connection as unmetered occasionally at these times to download updates and mark it as metered after the updates are downloaded.
    RELATED: How to Set an Ethernet Connection as Metered in Windows 8 and 10
  • and When the system gets restarted
    How to Set “Active Hours” So Windows 10 Won’t Restart at a Bad Time

    So maybe you don’t mind the automatic downloads, but you just don’t want Windows to restart while you’re in the middle of something. Windows 10 is okay about this, since it lets you set a 12 hour window called “Active Hours” in which it won’t automatically reboot.
see the original article link at the top for details