Wifi hacking

I am pretty sure that the only 2 ways to "hack" is brute force password guessing, which is very possible since the WIFI Access point doesn't seem to ever reach a point where it won't let you guess anymore. Hackers would try a Rainbow table attack first to crack a password, then they would move on to a dictionary attack, then a baby or pet name book attack before the all-out brute force. They know we are human and weak so they would capitalize the first letter and add a 1 on the end when they guess. They use software to guess at super-fast rates.

They would look for Internet-of-Things that are attached to the same network and try to glean the password from those weaker devices (lightbulbs, fish tank thermometers, alarm systems, washing machine, refrigerator etc..). This is why I recommend my customers segregate their IOT devices on their own router. There are also flaws in router software (DLink comes to mind) and there are flaws in some router features that can be exploited. One feature makes it easy for a user to join a device to the network by pushing a physical button on the router.