Write protected in my pen drive

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i am not able to find storage device police in My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDeviceP olicies
From here: http://www.w-tweaks.com/html/sp2_external_usb_sticks_proble.html
In case the key StorageDevicePolicies does not exist, right-click on the Control key and select New/Key. Name it StorageDevicePolicies. Open this key and right-click on an empty spot in the right-hand side of the window. Select New/DWORD Value and name it WriteProtect. Enter 0 to deactivate the write protection.

Mind you, it's not in mine either, and USB are fine
You haven't just flicked the little switch on the pen drive, that write protects it have you? (some don't have this though)
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