While many people today do most of their shopping online, there are still those who prefer traditional brick-and-mortar retailers when it comes to buying clothes. Customers can try before they buy in a store, but purchasing clothes online comes with the risk that they'll turn out to be unsuitable. This, and the hassle of having to return them, puts many off. Amazon, however, may have a solution.

Jeff Bezos's tech giant has revealed Amazon Prime Wardrobe, a service for Prime members that makes the process of buying clothes online, and returning any you don't want, much easier. It's currently in beta, but you can sign up to be notified when it's open to everyone.

The new service lets subscribers pick between three and fifteen items from over one million Amazon Fashion options, including brands such as Calvin Klein, Levi's, Adidas, Lacoste, and more. These are then sent out in a Prime Wardrobe box without the customer having to pay any upfront costs.

Once it arrives, you have seven days to try out the items. If there are any that you don't want, it's simply a matter of scheduling a free pickup or dropping off the resalable box at the nearest UPS store and using the prepared shipping label.

One of the best elements of Amazon Prime Wardrobe is the incentive it offers users to keep the clothes. The more items someone decides to hang on to, the more they save. Keeping three or four pieces of clothing earns a 10 percent discount off everything, while five or more boosts it up to 20 percent off.

Unlike similar services offered by other companies, Amazon is not covering its costs by charging an additional fee or marking up the prices of the clothes. Prime Wardrobe is free for Prime members, and the company doubtlessly hopes it will help attract more subscribers while encouraging people to buy clothes from its store.