AMD officially launches Mantle, new driver and patches available soon

So AMD couldn't compete with Intel in the CPU arena, and now they are intentionally engineering games to be less dependent on the CPU. Talk about an extremely hilarious fix for their inadequacies.

While you are right in some regards, you do realize the AMD processor they used is a low end product right? If they would've used an FX-8320 or above the difference would've been much less significant.
The hard part is that Mantle requires pretty new AMD CPU/APU's and CGN graphics cards in order to work. That will NOT help the folks who have older systems that could really use the bump in frame rates.

Nope, it only requires a GPU with GCN architecture. The reason APUs are listed because the new Kaveri chips have GCN for their GPU component, has nothing to do with AMD CPUs. This will in fact, help folks with older systems because all they have to do is buy an AMD card that belong to the HD7000 and R7/R9 series and they're good to go with Mantle.
Mantle is designed by and built for game developers so that they can bypass the software layers within a PC and run code directly on the system hardware. That way, they can get rid of bottlenecks and make games run much faster.

So if the game crashes my whole computer crashed? F that
Games can crash without bluescreen but with mantle will it fail harder?
CPU overhead? I've been using a i7-2600k (not overclocked) and monitoring it's cores & it's never maxed out gaming. It's the gpu that's doing all the work. Waiting to load from a 5400rpm hdd that's slow.

Use an SSD (better still, get 2 & stripe them) & overclock your gpu for better performance...
"Mantle is designed by and built for game developers so that they can bypass the software layers within a PC and run code directly on the system hardware. That way, they can get rid of bottlenecks and make games run much faster."

Umm, that sounds like coding in assebly language to talk directly to hardware like we did 30 YEARS ago from dos. Things will be more buggy I'd think & yeah, if it crashes then it sounds like you'd need to re-power on...
CPU overhead? I've been using a i7-2600k (not overclocked) and monitoring it's cores & it's never maxed out gaming. It's the gpu that's doing all the work. Waiting to load from a 5400rpm hdd that's slow.

Use an SSD (better still, get 2 & stripe them) & overclock your gpu for better performance...
what about those who don't have an expensive CPU? also I bet I can max your CPU in planetside 2 and eve online :p
Also, just in case you don't know, the CPU stays idle for long times because of directx. watch the 44 minute video from OXIDE that explain really well why your CPU is not maxed.

on a side note: I don't understand why do people hate the idea of a free performance boost, it's just retarded.
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on a side note: I don't understand why do people hate the idea of a free performance boost, it's just retarded.

Welcome to the internet. For any tech topic, there is usually a substantial population of argumentative people that fall into at least 1 of 3 categories (sometimes all 3).

Category 1: Not feeling fulfilled unless they are arguing and complaining, hoping to share their misery with the rest of the world.

Category 2: Loves the sound of their own voice, and will spout off on a subject like they are an expert, even though they have no idea what they are talking about, and probably are just copy/pasting from wiki or relaying anecdotal evidence.

Category 3: Fanboy/Fangirl who can't stand their favorite product/brand's competition to have any positive news or traction at all, and so they must immediately attack - even if the attack is unwarranted and/or makes no sense.
"Mantle is designed by and built for game developers so that they can bypass the software layers within a PC and run code directly on the system hardware. That way, they can get rid of bottlenecks and make games run much faster."

Umm, that sounds like coding in assebly language to talk directly to hardware like we did 30 YEARS ago from dos. Things will be more buggy I'd think & yeah, if it crashes then it sounds like you'd need to re-power on...
This indeed makes the game code a bit more buggy if it's not developed well, but seeing the current state of the AAA games I don't think it can get any worse. The PC restart on every bug era has kinda ended, not that big of an issue unless it's a driver issue. It's an API not a driver.
It's not as close to the metal as assembly. They just removed many of the limitations Direct3D had (like the limits on working threads and CPU idle time while GPU threads work) and gave developers control over the aspects that direct3D did automatically (and most of the time very slow because of checks upon checks - this is because of legacy code in DirectX).
Welcome to the internet. For any tech topic, there is usually a substantial population of argumentative people that fall into at least 1 of 3 categories (sometimes all 3).
  • I do try not to fall under Category 3. If I have a hatred for one, I try not to praise the other.
  • And although I don't like the sound of my voice, I can't object to being put in Category 2.
  • As much as I might object to being placed in Category 1, I can't deny the Category as my usual home.
  • I can't help but feel there is another category, based on factual experience posted for the sole purpose of helping others.
  • I do try not to fall under Category 3. If I have a hatred for one, I try not to praise the other.
  • And although I don't like the sound of my voice, I can't object to being put in Category 2.
  • As much as I might object to being placed in Category 1, I can't deny the Category as my usual home.
  • I can't help but feel there is another category, based on factual experience posted for the sole purpose of helping others.
Probably more than one more category. Conspiracy theorists...people who gravitate to one company because they see it as the lesser of two-or more, evils (generally misguided since there are no philanthropic corporations)....corporate reps/shills/focus groups/guerrilla marketers...people who shy away from a brand because they have no faith in the companies management and/or strategic plans (my personal bugbear), and of course, as you've outlined - the end user experience of the brand ecosystem, both collective and singular.
Ooh, good call, @dividedbyzero... I totally forgot about the Conspiracy Theorist category... That might be a subset of Category 2... And reps/shills could easily fall into a subset of Category 3...

And you are right, @cliffordcooley. I generally count your last category as some of the few actually relevant and helpful individuals, who know what they are talking about, and have valid reasons for their stance. I don't lump them into the "argumentative just to be argumentative" pile with the other categories. If people are willing to actually listen to that dissenting opinion, it's usually an excellent source of "buyer beware" advanced warning. I think the problem is, the real deals are washed out by the other white noise categories of dissenters, to the point that it gets hard to tell who's who.

But those of us that pay attention, listen without already having our minds firmly locked on a choice, and notice how often someone is accurate, tend to have better luck sorting the wheat from the chaff, as the saying goes. :)
I really hope this increases performance of non-GCN GPUs also like AMD said a few weeks back. The GPU support is so minimal currently, I am beginning to doubt whether non-GCN GPUs will receive benefits (not as large as GCN, but still something).
Problems with an AMD graphics driver? I'm absolutely shocked!

At least now you guys know what all the rest of the AMD graphic card owners go through on a daily basis.
It seems like some reviewers got the new drivers early and they will publish it to the public soon. I think by Monday they should be ready if no other bugs are found ^_^
It seems like some reviewers got the new drivers early and they will publish it to the public soon. I think by Monday they should be ready if no other bugs are found ^_^
Looks like a mixed bag, albeit promising once the bugs are ironed out ( stuttering and system instability w/CrossfireX !? ). Nice gains with APU + 290X, although I'm not entirely sure how realistic that component fit-out is in reality- maybe an APU+ 280/7970 might be a more common configuration.

If you're running an AMD processor it looks like solid gains across the board. Interesting how CPU bound the GTX 780 is in BF4 MP judging by the stock vs overclocked 4770K result here...pity Mantle won't be offered to Nvidia...predicting an Nvidia close-to-metal API or inclusion of Driver Command Line coding in 3....2....1..
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1) what does it look like
2) does it do much for quality cpu's?

Dx 9 gives amazing frame rates next to 11,
and cheap cpu's will balk at big games anyway.
Battlefield! Battlefield! Battlefield! SQUAARK! BATTLEFIELD!
A game for the sort of ***** who spends £30 on a mouse.
Ive tried the BF4 Beta Driver with Mantle Enabled on 14.1 with my system (I have tried it now for about an hour). With an FX 9590 and 3 R9 290X's in Eyefinity at 5760 does show some performance improvements for me im not sure on the exact numbers maybe ill do some recording to see. But so far on Parcel storm and some Siege of Shanghai (Ive only gotten 2 matches of conquest in) I can safely say that ive noticed the FPS staying higher on some intensive activities with no real dipping anymore. I don't know for sure how good they are in all honesty because I normally don't watch an FPS counter, but im happy with it so far (I have not had any "stuttering" or "Stability issues" yet, but maybe im just lucky).

Don't know, but im happy with it so far.
If Mantle is very similar to the PS4's API, then it will make porting from PS4 to PC much easier. I would say even if there is no performance gains it will still be worth it AS LONG AS it really is not bound to any specific hardware architecture.
Battlefield! Battlefield! Battlefield! SQUAARK! BATTLEFIELD!
A game for the sort of ***** who spends £30 on a mouse.
Urm, ok guest. THanks for that constructive input.
Now, off to test BF4 with crossfired cards and 14.1. I have a feeling fun may not be had.
"Intermittent stuttering or stability issues may occur when utilizing Mantle with AMD CrossFire™ technology in BattleField 4™ - AMD recommends using the DirectX code path when playing Battlefield 4 with multiple GPUs. A future AMD Catalyst release will resolve these issues"

"Frame Pacing for Dual Graphics and non-XDMA configurations above 2560x1600 do not currently work with Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. An upcoming release will enable support"

Might avoid this driver until it's a non beta.