Backup for voip\cable modem and router

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Hi, i was wondering a good long term backup (3+ hours) for my router and voip cable modem, i was wondering if i could just use a UPS or if there was something else i could use

power outage could last a while just wondering if anything could get that long of backup since the router and modem dont draw that much power i was thinking i could get a few hours
A UPS operates as an inverter: converts low voltage DC into high voltage AC.

Even at a current draw of just a few milliamps, the UPS will exhaust the battery in a relatively short time.

Usually, we protect the expensive equipment or that which has precious data, not printers, monitors or networking devices.
Would there be anyone willing to tackle this issue now that yrs have passed ?? I need something to carry the modem/router/ata all of which are low wattage ...something long lasting would be good ...low cost would be a plus!
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