Best Buy rolls out CinemaNow disc-to-digital program to use at home

Shawn Knight

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Best Buy is now testing a program called CinemaNow that will convert your DVDs into digital movies from the comfort of your own home. The newly accessible videos are then added to your UltraViolet digital collection and stored online for viewing anytime you see fit.

CNET gives us the full rundown on exactly how the program works. You’ll first need to create an account then download and install the application – available for PC and Mac. Once installed, select the Disc to Digital option and insert your DVD into your optical drive.

bestbuy best buy

At this point, the program will analyze the disc and grant you access to the UltraViolet version once it’s finished. The big box retailer says users can convert DVDs to SD or HD UltraViolet copies although it’s unclear if Blu-ray discs are supported just yet. You can expect to pay between $1.99 and $2.99 for SD copies and either $4.99 or $5.99 for high-def versions.

The catch of course is that like other UltraViolet outfits, you can only convert certain movies and television shows in your collection. The studio behind your movie or show has to support the format and as of writing, we are hearing that Sony, Universal, Warner and Lionsgate are all on board. In total, the service boasts around 3,500 titles.

Earlier this year, Walmart announced their own disc-to-digital service as part of a collaboration with streaming service VUDU. The retailer offers essentially the same service (with Blu-ray support) but you’re required to bring your discs in to the store for conversion.

There’s a full list of supported titles that is available for download via Best Buy’s Dropbox page.

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Couldn't you simply take the DVD or Blu-Ray disc, put it into a player, the push the "PLAY" button. That way, you wouldn't need internet service, Best Buy, Ultra-Violet, or even a computer.

This s*** is emblematic of the complete failure of the public school system.

Don't worry though, the treasury department is scheduled to print some more money, since fools are so easily parted with it.

Just think, on the outside chance you have any money left over, you'll be able to pay Facebook to send spam emails to people you don't know.

The whole issue brings a whole new dimension of derisiveness to the term, "disposable income".

You'd probably get a better ROI if you put a "mug me" sign on your back, and walked into the subway.