Can anyone tell whats the difference?

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Posts: 130   +18
Can anybody here tell me the difference between an Intel Dual core processor and an intel core 2 duo except their architecural difference?
And which one of the two can be overclocked more??
and dual core 2.8 is better or c2d 1.8 for overall usages??
Plz help
By anybody, do you mean just regular users, or reviewers?
The Core 2 Duo comes out significantly better in reviews where photo editing, graphics design and other workhorse features are concerned.
Overclocking is almost a game of its own nowadays, where design is used as a marketing trick. The final numbers are what matter. Nowadays we have manufacturers putting out computers that have great overclocking numbers just for the marketing factor.
Look at published maximum usable features. If overclocking is part of the manual, and does not void the warranty, then you are likely being snookered.
raybay said:
By anybody, do you mean just regular users, or reviewers?
The Core 2 Duo comes out significantly better in reviews where photo editing, graphics design and other workhorse features are concerned.
Overclocking is almost a game of its own nowadays, where design is used as a marketing trick. The final numbers are what matter. Nowadays we have manufacturers putting out computers that have great overclocking numbers just for the marketing factor.
Look at published maximum usable features. If overclocking is part of the manual, and does not void the warranty, then you are likely being snookered.
anyone means anyone. and ur reply doesnt clarfied my confusion. i need more replies
Need is a relative term. But if you really want to know what there is to know about processor comparisons, you probably will find you require more detail than can be typed into one of these TechSpot replies. Reviewers test. They stand by what they write. What good is an opinion by one unknown person who may only have experience with two processors?
The Toms Hardware reviews are amazingly thorough and useful, as are many others.
My Intel dual core processor (Presler 945) is inexpensive but still fast. Not as fast as the core 2 duos though. I have looked at lots of reviews and the core 2's just walked away with much faster processing overall. My dual core has seperate cache. 2 mb per core. The core 2 has shared cache. All 4 mb (or however many the individual processor has) are shared across both cores. The core 2's have 1066 fsb (I think some of the new ones coming out have 1333mhz fsb). Mine has 800 fsb. The core 2's use less power. The quad cores that have been $600 are now less than $300. I am going to get an old one to save$. The newest ones will really be fast. Good Luck. (if I have made any small errors, forgive me).
The Pentium D was a rushed product and could have been much better than what it is (essentially a CPU-cum-heater). The Core 2 Duo range is the most economical and fastest range of CPUs available today. A Core 2 Duo uses different architecture compared to the NetBurst architecture used by the Pentium D, which allows it to perform more calculations per clock cycle and have relatively low frequencies. It also overclocks a lot more, even on stock cooling, and is also more stable while doing so than a Pentium D CPU. There's no reason to pick a Pentium D over a Core 2 Duo, unless you're really strapped for cash.
and one more question: How the processor company can know that i overclocked my cpu? i mean if i burn my cpu due to overclocking then how intel will know that i overclocked it? i hv read everywhere that by OCing i void warranty but how they will come to know? plz help
but Rage_3k_moiz, i hv pent D 2.8 and my bro has c2d 1.8ghz. But my this PC performs much better than his c2d. why this is so? i hv checked for spyware/malwares and then formatted c2d system for confirmation. but still Pent D performs better. and i hv read somewhere also that for single core programs like games etc. definitely procsr with high clock speed will perform better. so P-D 2.8 clock is faster than c2d's 1.8 clock. is this the reason for that system to be slow?
They don't know for a fact but under the warrenty rules and regs you see that the warrenty is only good for damage down under normal use, they mean for the cpu to stay under the tempature tolerance levels. They post the optimal heat ranges for each cpu, so if your cpu overheats and burns then they know that you weren't following the normal usage guidelines.
thehacker said:
but Rage_3k_moiz, i hv pent D 2.8 and my bro has c2d 1.8ghz. But my this PC performs much better than his c2d. why this is so? i hv checked for spyware/malwares and then formatted c2d system for confirmation. but still Pent D performs better. and i hv read somewhere also that for single core programs like games etc. definitely procsr with high clock speed will perform better. so P-D 2.8 clock is faster than c2d's 1.8 clock. is this the reason for that system to be slow?
It's probably due to differences in configuration, such as RAM, video card etc. What exactly is your definition of performs better? Have you tried tests like FutureMark and Sandra?
As for the last line, where did you read this? That used to be true long back, but not now. High clock speeds don't mean anything anymore. Games like Supreme Commander stretch even Core 2 Duos to their limits and future games will do the same.
Rage_3K_Moiz said:
It's probably due to differences in configuration, such as RAM, video card etc. What exactly is your definition of performs better? Have you tried tests like FutureMark and Sandra?
As for the last line, where did you read this? That used to be true long back, but not now. High clock speeds don't mean anything anymore. Games like Supreme Commander stretch even Core 2 Duos to their limits and future games will do the same.
I have read that on a hardware details website. i want to know wat is the basic difference between the two?one that i have marked is in "device manager" in dual core only one processor is shown but in c2d two processors are shown.
Rage_3K_Moiz said:
It's probably due to differences in configuration, such as RAM, video card etc. What exactly is your definition of performs better? Have you tried tests like FutureMark and Sandra?
As for the last line, where did you read this? That used to be true long back, but not now. High clock speeds don't mean anything anymore. Games like Supreme Commander stretch even Core 2 Duos to their limits and future games will do the same.
no difference between RAM but only difference in AGP card that is in Pent D 128 MB. and no such cards installed on c2d system.and by performance i mean booting time, windows usage and game playing.
thehacker said:
no difference between RAM but only difference in AGP card that is in Pent D 128 MB. and no such cards installed on c2d system.and by performance i mean booting time, windows usage and game playing.
The AGP card will definitely help game performance a lot since it relieves the CPU from doing graphics calculations. Also, the Pentium D system might have a faster HDD which may account for the booting time. As for 'Windows usage', what exactly do you mean by this? The CPU usage in Task Manager?
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