Can't see my NAS anymore

You are spot-on, but not all devices support the updated SAMBA2 standard.

Thank you, but you know I had this same issue as the OP on Windows 10 with my Zxyel NAS not showing up on Windows 10 PC. I couldn't get to my files. Now I can. MS said it had security issue that's why they changed it. If you don't have SMB2 support devices I can't use SMB2 so I needed to enable back SMB1 worked.. Back in business.
Win/7, use Regedit

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters]
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters]
  • which says DELETE the SMB1 key (the default)
This is for Windows 7 (all versions) SMBv1-enable.reg that contains the following text:

Hmm; My Win/7 runs SMB1 to my Mac and the key is missing :grin:

see attached


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You shouldn't have to keep enable and disable the reg string. Why in the world are you doing it that way.
The ZIP contains the reg file to manage enable / disable as the user may need. On Win/7 the default is Enable, but one may like to reverse a decision and it's nice to have the reversal provided at the same time.
Geez, has it really been 2 weeks?!? Sorry guys for not checking in.

I could not make any progress with my experiments. I built the smallest simplest network, eliminating as much as possible and couldn't get it to work. I removed the eero completely and moved everything back to the ATT all in one router. But only after I did a factory reset of the ATT router did it all start working again.

The NAS computer still doesn't appear as a computer on the network in the music server PC, but I can ping it and browse the shares so I can stream music from the NAS thru the server to the client again and it's working good enough. That was the main problem in my original post and it is fixed. I don't know what was wrong with the router setup that caused one computer to not connect to another. But there were several problems like this, it almost seemed to be getting worse as the connectivity problems seemed to be increasing.

According to the ATT tech I called on Saturday, she dialed into my router and saw that I had disabled the wifi on the router. I did this to allow the eero wifi network to take over the LAN duties while minimizing the influence the ATT router would have. She said that disabling the Wifi on the ATT router makes them go bonkers. It is very sensitive to this. The 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wifis need to both be active, and have same SSID, and even have the same password "for best performance" it says right in the setup GUI. Disabling the Wifi apparently was one of the main problems. But she still couldn't get it all straightened out, so I asked if I could just factory reset to restore basic function. So we did that and it came right up. I just left it in that basic default configuration, just changed SSIDs and password, etc.

She also said that this ATT router is also very sensitive to other brand WiFi extension networks, like eero, etc. She said only Netgear (and another brand I don't remember) are compatible with this router as extension WiFi. I assume that means when you leave the router's WiFi enabled, which now I know is required. So if I need stronger WiFi I will get a Netgear extender. I will ditch the eero system.

I truly appreciate everyone's interest and help!
Thank you
As they say "Anything is possible".

I've never see a router or modem which required Both wired and Wifi to be active AND w/o that, some functionality would be lost! IMO, that's a lot of crock.
ATT router is also very sensitive to other brand WiFi extension networks, like eero, etc. She said only Netgear (and another brand I don't remember) are compatible with this router as extension WiFi.
and that's another load of BS. If that IS factual, I would be looking for a replacement for the AT&T.

Perhaps it's me, but even the term "extension network" is atypical. A network is TCP/IP or it isn't. Your NAS is not an extenstion, but only a network attached device.

The key point for you is "If it's working again, then by all means don't mess with it!

Thanks for taking the time for the feedback :)
This is how I thought also. Which is why I tried improving my LAN range and performance over the dreaded Pace 5268AC router that is standard issue for ATT fiber customers. But making basic changes to it like shutting off the WiFi and putting it into DMZ+ mode apparently was more than it could handle. It seemed like it was working, and I think it actually did work OK at first but it gradually came unhinged over about a month.

"Extension network" is a term used in this router's setup GUI. Apparently it is a way to hang a different subnet off of this router. I'm not sure what you gain or what it entails, but I'm not going to try it. :)

Unfortunately there is no option to replace this router on ATT as there is with cable modem/routers. This is the best/only router model that ATT offers to residential customers, and no other router can authenticate to their network.

Anyway, all fixed now. Thanks again for the help!
just so you know, there's NOTHING special about adding another subnet to your lan -- from the router nearest the Modem, hang a cable in any LAN slot and the other end goes into the WAN (or uplink) slot on the next router. Anything on the new router will get outbout without any effort.

It's not necessary that the NAS be on it's own subnet unless YOU want it that way. In such case, just plug both ends of cable into LAN slots.

Using the new subnet and allowing prior devices to access the new subnet:
  1. the MAC address of the new router is declared in the original router and an IP address is assigned to it under the Address Reservation screen. This creates a fixed, static address for a new route
  2. Then a persistent route to the new router is added pointing to the static address
I'm sure you're sick to death of fussing with this and as long as it NOW works and you're happy with it -- GOD BLESS and leave it alone :)