Completes High School in 9 months, now College Freshman at 8 Yrs Old


Posts: 76   +0

Will be interesting to watch his development
I can already tell you the story of his life:

Works his entire life; dies shortly after realizing that life is too precious to spend working/overachieving; wishes he would have spent some time with prostitutes.

And, it's probably his parents' fault, pushing him so that the only thing he knows is trivial academic success.
With no school record to rely on for screening the kid's qualifications, the university tested him through an interview in October. The science prodigy surprised professors by explaining the Schroedinger equation, which is of central importance to the theory of quantum mechanics. Experts say the equation, proposed by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1925, plays a role analogous to Newton's second law in classical mechanics.

**The interview was conducted mainly with the science prodigy's father, since Yoo-geun is lacking in his ability to communicate with adults.**

if hes that smart, why cant he hold a conversation about the specific field hes supposedly a prodigy in? i think its the dad, hes the smart one, later in the article he explains string theory.

also the kid should be allowed to have a normal childhood, even if hes super smart, might as well let him have fun before he becomes a uberdork.
No child genius will ever have a normal childhood. The two just don`t go together. This is because being a genius is extraordinary, and only affects a tiny amount of the worlds population.

You cannot push someone, particularly a child to become a genius. This is something the kid will have been born with.

Beethoven was also a child genius. No doubt he didn`t have a normal childhood either.

Regards Howard :)
SornyPanafonic said:
also the kid should be allowed to have a normal childhood, even if hes super smart, might as well let him have fun before he becomes a uberdork.

This is, more or less, what I was saying above. He will likely be pushed into extraordinary situations his whole childhood and never know anything different. Of course, if he's a true genious, he might realize that getting trashed at the bar and being shot down by scantily clad, hot girls is a lot of fun. Certainly, he can afford to destroy more brain cells than the rest of us.
What I have to ask is how do you pass high school in 9 months?

I don't ask this because it sounds really hard (Because 3/4ths of the high school is BS and a waste of time anyway), but what do you do to accelerate to the next level?

I mean, do you ask for a test or something to pass 10th grade.. for example? If it were that easy, I might have been able to get out of HS waaaay earlier. ;)
No Fun At All

Through no fault of my own, I ended up only TWO years ahead of my classmates (agewise) graduating just past 16. Result? No girls,(too young), no sports (too small), no ***** childhood ( too busy). Result? A forty year failed quest for maturity. Havin fun with my childhood now, though.

Cannot even IMAGINE being nine years ahead instead of just two! Best of luck to the little feller. ( Hope Daddy's close for summa those exams!) :blackeye:
i would hate to be workin hard at 8. hes gonna end up being this blue guy no matter what his age ----> puke:
Well! There ya go... the reason he's such a genius, is because he's Korean. :rolleyes: That's gotta suck for him though, he's going to be missing out on all the good stuff. He'll be able to relive his childhood once he's retired though, which will be roughly around the age of 25 at the rate he's going.
Hahaha! I'm just glad he's a Southy.... well, I doubt that they would've ever discovered his gift if he was in the North. Sorry! I'll stop myself before I get into more descriptive detailing about the North. Hahaha! :rolleyes:
Just cos he can absorb information and regurgitate it doesnt make him a genius... we all develop at different rates..........when i was 8 i was trying to burn things everyday and stick things up my i only burn stuff on weekends and stick things up my nose everyother day :evil: :evil:
burning things

toffeapple said:
Just cos he can absorb information and regurgitate it doesnt make him a genius... we all develop at different rates..........when i was 8 i was trying to burn things everyday and stick things up my i only burn stuff on weekends and stick things up my nose everyother day :evil: :evil:
Wrong thread, but- You should transpose those activities, then you wouldn't have to jump up and down on the earth next June. Just don't set fire to your posting station!
About the kid; there is a small chance he could be okay with all this, but my experience, and that of others I know, is that your social and emotional skills never get to develop properly, and you tend to become quite one-dimensional. Cured myself with drugs in the 60's and 70's, though. ....I THINK it was the 60's, or .............. :angel:
I'm not sure this stuff should really be allowed... Apparently the kid is only smart in science/math, so what I propose is him taking classes with the rest of his peers, and when it comes to math class he is tutored by some college prof, and he can work on whatever he needs to then. That way he's still developing like a normal kid in all the other aspects of life. Taking a 8 year old and throwing them into a college environment just isn't going to work nicely. The kid is too young to know if he really wants to waste a childhood anyway.
Technically, I'd still call the kid a genius. I mean you'd have to be a genius, to be smarter than me. :rolleyes: Hahaha, of course I'm only kidding. But on a serious note! I would still call him a genius. He is 8, or turning 8 and has completed the Elementary, Junior High and Highschool curriculum in 9 months. Now I have to say, that is quite impressive! Beat my record by 11 years and 3 months!
Would this save him?

Just had a thought: they should enroll him right away in almost any public school system in the United States. That "genius" stuff will disappear before ChristmasOOPS! ------ Holiday/winter break! :approve:
Technically, I'd still call the kid a genius

what has he done "technically" to make him a genius??? has he discovered anything or invented anything or made inspiring music? how does someone qualify for genius status? is there a club?why am i asking so many questions?whats the point of all this? who shot who in the what now? has anyone seen my lucky hat? i dont know....he may be a prodigy but genius .....
I think this is a nationalism thing too--parade him around as some kind of hero. I challenge him to a trivia match. Yes, that's right, I challenge him. I seriously doubt that he learned all of the history, literature, music, etc. required to really complete high school. I'd love to see that curriculum that allowed him to pass in 9 months.
18 yr Old U.S. H.S. Senior beats Mayor with $700

Michael Sessions, an 18-year-old student at Hillsdale High School, won by a mere two votes over 51-year-old incumbent Douglas Ingles, instead of the 64-vote victory initially reported. Hillsdale County officials declared the final tally of 670 to 668 on Thursday.

Sessions waged a write-in campaign for election because he was too young to get his name on the official ballot before the filing deadline.

He ousted the 51-year-old incumbent in a campaign costing $700 paid for by a summer job selling toffee apples.

yeah, but

toffeapple said:
selling toffee apples eh?

smart kid :cool:
(he spelled it correctly, tho) figgered you'd pick up on that. It should warm your heart during that cold Irish winter. :grinthumb
my way is the correct could it be wrong? :D

its not actually that cold here just wet and grey...Theres no way anyone here would vote for an 18 year old...fair play to the kid.....wonder how long it will take to corrupt could probably buy him out with some play station games and some baggy pants!!
Dunno- he looks pretty clean-cut-- maybe a fully equipped Alienware with one of those $7000 Hitachi LED backlits, eh?