Did I Screw Something Up Or..... Where are my games (Windows 7)?

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I just installed a copy of Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Imagine my surprise when I found NO games in the game folder! I shall miss Spider Solitare dearly with this version.

Is this because it's a "Professional" edition, and perhaps corporate entities don't want their employees frittering away their time playing it? Is it someplace else?

Well, it was 140 bucks....! And, it still has Media Center, now there's a time waster for sure. Hm, perspiring minds want to know.
Yeah Well, I Got the PC Put Together, That Should Count for Something....

You're a genius. That said, I got the games to work with "God Mode", promptly lost two in a row, and am now considering turning them off again.

That was rude of M$, not to mention embarrassing. In retaliation, if I'm asked, I will absolutely not say, "I'm a PC, and Windows 7 was my idea"! :eek:
I didn't heard ....... arrr I mean read anything, and certainly I won't be spilling any beans on this one :D :wave:
Or Should I Take What's Behind Door Number Three.....?

OK, so I got the games turned on, now my question is, "should I now consider myself an IT professional, since this is the type of thing they do all day", or throw myself on the mercy of the website and resort to a diminished capacity, (insanity), defense. Here >> (o_o) << you can insert a "smiley", but try to imagine one with a blank stare, glassy eyes, and perhaps picking its nose.. :rolleyes: :wave:

"I'm a PC, but I'm clueless as to whose idea Windows 7 was".
Somehow the image of shrek comes to my mind ......hmm I wonder why, specially considering his colorful appearance ;)
captain, you may be on to something. I definitely like the sound of your "smiley" ("vacant-y" ?) - sounds like one non-emoticon I would probably (over)use.
captain, you may be on to something. I definitely like the sound of your "smiley" ("vacant-y" ?) - sounds like one non-emoticon I would probably (over)use.
I Gottsa bee larning sum of thet thar code writin stuff, Acausa if'n I knew me how ta doo sum a dat, I'd be ah makin" me anuther one ah dem smiley thingys.

Mebee somthin on dee order of one wiff its eyes crossed, teeth missing, slobber runnin down its chin, wiff its thumb up its a**. Thissy here ahd be for the eh-dee-tor-ee-al section onlee

Den I'd write me a new button to go wiff it, "In case of annoying guest poster, Y'all needsa press here".........

Seriously though, "I'm a PC. but turning off the games wasn't funny Yo..."?
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