Error when commenting on front page news


Posts: 850   +386
Can we have somebody look into the problems in posting replies to threads via the front page. Half the time (for me at least) I'll get an error message when I hit the 'Post Comment' button. The message won't show on the front page version of the thread, but will appear in the forum version of the thread.
Adding a new post via the forum seems to make the error'd posts visible via the front page.
I'm using FireFox 4, if that makes any difference to whoever is looking into this.
Same here, only for me, it happens every time. Using both Chrome and FF.

Oh, by the way, the message just simply says "An error occurred, please try again."
Thanks for pointing this out. I'm experiencing the same thing when posting from the front page. Despite the error, it seems my posts still go through so please only submit your comments once. :) I'm chasing you guys around to delete your duplicates haha. Alternatively, you can comment on news stories from the forum without errors. I've forwarded this thread to Julio so hopefully everything is resolved soon.
Oh...sorry bout that, lol. I just kept hitting "post comment" over and over i'm sure you're well aware of by now :p
No problem. Somebody had to report it, so it might as well be me. After all, if you don't know it's broke, how can you be expected to fix it?