European Union's CPU development branch delivers its first designs


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The big picture: As the internet and computing continue to impact our society in powerful ways, so too have they changed the political landscape. When it became apparent over the last few years that the ability to develop processors was almost everywhere but Europe – Intel, Nvidia, Broadcom and Qualcomm in America, Samsung in South Korea, TSMC in Taiwan, ARM owned in Japan – the European Union decided to step in and fund a program to shift technological advancements back to Europe. Thus, the European Processor Initiative was born.

The EPI has a single, overarching goal: create competitive processors for every major market segment in Europe. Six months from beginning development, they’ve reached their first milestone by submitting secretive architectural designs to the European Commission.

The EPI’s plan is to release their first family of processors codenamed ‘Rhea’ in 2021. The family will be oriented around one general purpose power-conscious ARM CPU core cluster, with various RISC-V accelerator chiplets added on to improve performance. Accelerated tasks will include high-performance computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and vector, tensor, and variable-precision processing.

Rhea should find its way into servers and most embedded systems (like planes) but it’s not targeted to consumers. While it will be developed into an automotive accelerator proof-of-concept, only the second-gen Cronos will arrive in wheels.

“The combination of general-purpose processors, hardware accelerators, security modules, and further IP modules on a system-on-chip is one of the key success factors for realizing a high-performant and energy-efficient automotive computing platform for autonomous driving and connected mobility.”

For the automotive sector, specifically self-driving cars, the EPI is switching to Kalray’s VLIW (very long instruction word) instruction set architecture. Kalray is a French manycore CPU manufacturer, who have an in-house core design and architecture. Their presently available second gen MPPA2-256 Bostan2 processor (pictured above) contains 288 cores, including 256 compute cores in 16-core clusters with a ‘management’ core each, and four quad-core packages to control the system. In addition, it has 128 co-processor cores for cryptography and two TRNG (true random number generator) cores for security. A blend between a CPU and GPU, it’s well suited to automotive applications.

The EPI doesn’t intend on making a small impact on the industry, it intends on revolutionizing it and becoming a big player in the exascale era (when computers can do one quintillion or a billion billion calculations per second). It believes in can achieve this by redesigning processors from the ground up for the modern era, without being held back by the legacy designs and architectures that are still prevalent today. It will also build modern developer kits, compilers, libraries, and even an operating system. To fund all that research, it hopes to become profitable in a few years though it will remain owned and operated as a relative of the European Union.

Permalink to story. we go again with the Euro-socialist companies. It will NEVER become profitable because it won't need to and will eventually collapse under the usual weight of inefficiency and corruption. Didn't they learn their lesson in the 60's and 70's? As far as revolutionizing the industry, their designs may well do that..after their stolen by China.
Those mb should also have been to private persons. 128 core on benchmaring 288 cores. enormous speed . werry well forget thos who want super speed cpu gpu ram together and safety. count on private mared too.
Last edited: we go again with the Euro-socialist companies. It will NEVER become profitable because it won't need to and will eventually collapse under the usual weight of inefficiency and corruption. Didn't they learn their lesson in the 60's and 70's? As far as revolutionizing the industry, their designs may well do that..after their stolen by China.
I think you need to re-read the article to understand how the development is done, by whom and for whom. we go again with the Euro-socialist companies. It will NEVER become profitable because it won't need to and will eventually collapse under the usual weight of inefficiency and corruption. Didn't they learn their lesson in the 60's and 70's? As far as revolutionizing the industry, their designs may well do that..after their stolen by China.

You should read the article again, slowly this time.
I'm looking for the highest level of performance with the highest quality at the most competitive price.

I honestly don't care where they are made.

If Intel started production on MARS I'd still be buying. we go again with the Euro-socialist companies. It will NEVER become profitable because it won't need to and will eventually collapse under the usual weight of inefficiency and corruption. Didn't they learn their lesson in the 60's and 70's? As far as revolutionizing the industry, their designs may well do that..after their stolen by China.
This initiative reminds me of the Airbus consortium. Airbus is now 104th on the Forbes 500... we go again with the Euro-socialist companies. It will NEVER become profitable because it won't need to and will eventually collapse under the usual weight of inefficiency and corruption. Didn't they learn their lesson in the 60's and 70's? As far as revolutionizing the industry, their designs may well do that..after their stolen by China.

Sure, just like airbus:
Socialism for the rich I see. Taking my Taxes and paying a foreign government to fund a project that will have little affect my life... Cries about anti competitive laws and state ownership and bailouts, yet does it itself yet does it at the benefit of other EU member states tax payers. Pot kettle black.
I think this is a spelling error. The proper word is "Europa". Yes. Jupiter's moon Europa. That's where they are producing the CPUs. Yes, they've found alien lifeforms there. Yes, they are very intelligent. And they work for a very low salary. There, now you know.
Pretty sure China was working on similar. The Chinese government has begun the process of picking a national computer chip instruction set architecture".
Chinas has had it's own domestically designed CPUs for a while, just like Russia.

Actually, there is - Kirin HiSilicon, although not for long. ARM is ceasing their license contract with Huawei.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I was referring to Loongson and other domestic designs, not ARM licensees.

Sorry, I misunderstood. I was thinking along the line of Apple and Qualcomm, who design and implement their own ARM processors despite licensing it from SoftBank.
All polities that have ties to the US have to make sure they are independent of the whims of that particular global bully, otherwise, pace Huawei, when needing to procure and sustain essential IT infrastructure they may find that their supply lines are compromised. Taking defence as an example: India and Turkey make sure they buy arms from Russia (also an unreliable partner) as well as America & Europe, in addition to developing their own designs: It's a matter of national security. Access to tech hardware and IP is of similar paramount importance, just as much as oil is.

Diversifying supply is always a good thing in that regard, despite the duplication of effort involved. Imagine if everyone was forced to only fly on accident-prone Boeing aircraft, or only use insecure Intel chips?

In a world that is rapidly de-globalising it makes sense to have back-up plans to avoid extortion from countries that previously appeared to be allies.