Facebook - can't upload photos or files

Vernita Dawkins

Posts: 35   +0
Facebook will not upload any files or photos as attachments when updating my status or sending messages. If I upload a photo to my facebook folder then add a comment it will post. However I don't want to put all photo and files on FB in order to post or send messages. I am using Window 7, IE 10 , Safari 5.1.7
Perhaps you might try using Firefox to do such. Can you give us a step by step on how you're doing it? Perhaps you might be missing a step?
Sending FB Messages:
1. select to respond to an existing message or send a new message
2. type my message
3 select the paper clip icon to upload an MS Office document or
4. select the camera icon to upload an image
The computer sits over 30 minutes with a message stating it is updating attachments

I can receive images and documents on FB from others. My husband has been able to upload images and docs using IE and FB.

Sending an FB status update:

1. select status
2. write my status update
3. select the photo link
4 select the photo to upload from a file

In both cases, the computer sits over 30 minutes with a message stating it is updating attachments

Interesting I can post photo from photo stream directly to FB using my iPad.
I had a similiar problem a few days ago changing my cover photo, it must of taken several minutes. I finally said the heck with it & logged out. When I went back in 10 minutes later, it had been changed.
It could simply be because marky is playing around in there too much.
How much RAM do you have on your pc?
This is well after the question was posted (9/22/15), but wanted to post it for anyone else who has the same problem. I updated my Adobe Flash and now am able once again to upload my photos. Hope this helps someone.
I think this is facebook bug.because I try to upload photos in other browsers and still facebook gives me the same error
Any site STILL using Flash is playing with fire. Soon HTML5 will supersede Flash and it will die (as it should have long ago due to security bugs).
It's probably another Facebook bug.. They have lots of it last times as it seems they work more for money now, trying to sell their ads. And they totally forgot about the users :(