Five underrated and underplayed PC games


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corsair gaming fear 3 guest pc games dragon age ii bioshock 2 remember me shadow warrior

With Thief breaking hearts and Titanfall not quite taking off in traditional Call of Duty fashion, we're actually in a bit of a lull as far as good games go. Watch Dogs is on the way, as is Dark Souls II, but not a whole lot is really pushing the envelope right now. That makes it as good a time as any to look back at five games that were unfairly maligned or just plain overlooked.

Editor’s Note:
This guest post by Dustin Sklavos was originally published on the Corsair blog. Dustin is a Technical Marketing Specialist at Corsair and has been writing in the industry since 2005.

Since Steam (yay) and Origin (ugh) are open 24 hours a day, these games are often available at deep discounts and definitely worth a try.

F3AR (Fear 3)

The first FEAR did phenomenal business, but FEAR 2 never really took off. It wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't particularly great, either, and Monolith mostly let the franchise go after that. WB Games took over and handed a third game to Day 1 Studios, but the ill-advised live action trailer probably didn't do what was already a tenuous investment any favors as far as getting reach.

At the same time, I think the lack of scrutiny proved to be an asset. Day 1 Studios took a rote sequel to a game nobody really cared for and actually had fun with it. Experimental and fun multiplayer modes like F***ing Run and a heterogenous co-op story mode complimented some brilliant level design and vis def to make a game that was, frankly, a blast to play.

I don't think it's any scarier than any of the preceding games in the franchise, but it's tremendously enjoyable and really worth a second glance.

Dragon Age II

BioWare seemingly rushed Dragon Age II into production and out the door, and the game was poorly received due to a substantially less epic story, simplified combat and companion building, and BioWare's hallmark recycled environments. I won't argue against the recycled environments, though I think the slightly simplified combat and companion building were done fairly deftly.

What Dragon Age II has going for it is that it, in my opinion, fixes three of the biggest problems with Dragon Age: Origins. The plot of the first game may have been epic in scope, but it was also aggravatingly mundane, squandering a lot of the stellar worldbuilding in favor of building up the painfully generic darkspawn. Dragon Age II flips the script completely, telling the story of a single character and the political intrigue that springs up around him/her.

The jumping in time as the story moves from chapter to chapter can be offputting for some players, but it's appropriate to what they're trying to do and is far more nuanced than the first game.

The second problem was that Dragon Age: Origins just didn't look that good on the PC. It was beautiful, but Dragon Age II looked an awful lot better, sporting DX11 support and, at the time, doing a good job of pushing gaming PCs.

The third problem Dragon Age II solved was that Oghren wasn't in it.

Shadow Warrior

Flying Wild Hog, the developers of the similarly underrated but beloved Hard Reset, were charged with updating the nineties shooter artifact Shadow Warrior. Unlike 3D Realms and Gearbox did with Duke Nukem Forever, though, Flying Wild Hog was able to recognize their source material for what it was (and wasn't). The resulting remake is overwhelmingly superior to its predecessor.

Shadow Warrior 2013 almost completely eschews the original's racist humor in favor of a much smarter, more clever, and ultimately much funnier approach, more or less satirizing the original. At the same time, the game mechanics are in line with rebuilding a classic style kill-'em-all shooter with modern technology, resulting in a stellar single player campaign.

What you may not be expecting is just how good the game looks, though. The animated cutscenes are gorgeous on their own, but the modern game engine leverages DirectX 11 features against excellent vis def. Like Day 1 Studios did with F3AR, Flying Wild Hog took a potentially throwaway project, had fun with it, and made it their own.

Remember Me

Remember Me got a lot of press leading up to its release about its high concept science fiction story, mixed race female protagonist, and stunning vis def. Then it came out, the reviews came in, and they were decidedly mixed. That's understandable. We wanted thought provoking science fiction, we got Star Trek V. The writing was incredibly ambitious, it just wasn't very good.

Lost in the shuffle, though, was an enjoyable and easy to learn combat system, a solid soundtrack, and absolutely stunning visuals. While Remember Me may have felt limited by a middling implementation of Unreal Engine 3 at more than a few points, the artists at Dontnod did a stellar job of at least realizing their world visually. Fusing the fun combat and imaginative vis def are boss battles with smart, challenging enemies and monsters.

Remember Me's script is pretty dire and the protagonist's guide, Edge, is borderline insufferable, but the game is incredibly engaging on a visceral level and well worth checking out.

Bioshock 2

BioShock 2 exists as the misbegotten sequel nobody wanted, and I suspect a lot of people played it for a couple hours, found all their worst fears confirmed, and put it down never to be played again. BioShock Infinite doesn't outright ignore BioShock 2 but it doesn't acknowledge it, either. It's easy to see why people were underwhelmed: playing as a Big Daddy wasn't actually that exciting a concept, and visually it looked almost identical to the first BioShock. The ideas and themes we were presented with oftentimes looked at first blush like obvious, unimaginative extensions of the first game.

If you stuck with BioShock 2, though, you got a chance to go down a very interesting rabbit hole. The game gradually begins to drag itself free of the weight of its predecessor and slowly reveals itself to be an unusually worthy follow up. Superficially it's an unimaginative mirror image of the first game, but the devil is in the details, and BioShock 2 ultimately winds up enjoying a remarkably deep and in many ways better paced narrative.

2K Marin and 2K Australia approached the source material with reverence and respect and fleshed it out in thoughtful ways. If you loved the first BioShock but were disappointed in Infinite, now is a good chance to pick up this largely forgotten middle child and give it a go.

Permalink to story.

I own all of them other than Remember Me (Sorry, bad writing/acting is a no go in my book.) The other games are all top notch. Shadow Warrior really needs a compass or something to help you find a few areas that aren't particularly noticeable. Other than that it's a solid game. FEAR 3 is best in series. The story arc follows the previous game, so it makes sense, the dialogue is good, and it's fun to play (Think COD with better AI, and superpowers... so pretty much what COD should have evolved in to by now.) I personally preferred DA2 over DA:O. I found it better to play on console with a controller however. Combat is more engaging. DA: O is better on PC. As for Bioshock 2 I agree. I started it, played it for a bit and got board, but eventually went back and played it through. I'd say about 1/2 in the story starts pulling you in, and has a great ending.

I would add Singularity, Spec Ops: The Line, Telltale's Sam & Max games, Alan Wake, and Brutal Legend to the list. Each game is far better than most people would expect.
Tried to play Fear3 as SP and as co-op and it generally sucked - painfully linear punctuated with frustrating 'entrapment areas' (or whatever they're called in FPS design) - fell way short of the original and any of the other preceding games in my opinion. Bioshock 2 was rather good though. Like theBest11778 said, I also don't do bad story writing so I'll not be trying Remember me even if it does look pretty - and I'm not great with sword-based games so I doubt I'll ever try the other two.
Always useful to see these kind of articles though.
I don't think DAII is available on Steam - EA has been flogging Origin ever since DAII's release.

I got DAII right when it was released. That was a mistake. Act 1 was good...and then things went downhill from there. Act IV had non finished quests and was scant indeed. That was incredibly disappointing to me. I've played the game since and they've fixed Act IV even if it is still quite scant.

Almost as disappointing as shipping an unfinished game is the "cutesy" writing of the script. EA seems to want to give a non-typical gaming story. The story is so dark, such a downer that it has been the thing that sticks with me the most. I don't want to give spoilers but the game story left me alternately frustrated, shocked, horrified, heart-broken...and not in a "fun" way. I guess games are escapism for me. If I want to get the emotions of DAII I'll watch the news. For me that's the biggest difference from DAI to II - feeling triumphant vs. crushed...kinda like what happend with Mass Effect 2 and 3. I've got an eye on DAIII...but will by no means be an early buyer. EA has burned me too often for that.
Hmm I would say

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare (Fun fps with more depth then first meets the eye.) idk if its released on pc yet.

Chivalry medieval warfare (Medieval combat game where you manually block and aim.)

Castle storm (fun little game that combines elements of many mini games into one.)

are great under rated and unknown games.
Hmm I would say

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare (Fun fps with more depth then first meets the eye.) idk if its released on pc yet.

Chivalry medieval warfare (Medieval combat game where you manually block and aim.)

Castle storm (fun little game that combines elements of many mini games into one.)

are great under rated and unknown games.
besides castle storm the other are extremely popular and get tons of attention. most definitely not underrated.
Both DA2 and Dark Souls 2 are not as good as their predecessors, but man, they're great games. In my opinion, DA2 is almost 100% inferior to Origins, but DS2 had some serious improvements over the first.

The Soul series is not only a love letter to anyone who likes dark medieval rpg, but also the ultimate lesson in pain.

I'm sorry for those who jumped on the hate bandwagon and missed on some great games, such as Crysis 2...
Both DA2 and Dark Souls 2 are not as good as their predecessors, but man, they're great games. In my opinion, DA2 is almost 100% inferior to Origins, but DS2 had some serious improvements over the first.

The Soul series is not only a love letter to anyone who likes dark medieval rpg, but also the ultimate lesson in pain.

I'm sorry for those who jumped on the hate bandwagon and missed on some great games, such as Crysis 2...

DA2 was just boring. The very fact that I completely forgot the story and the ending by now is telling enough.

Crysis 2 really sucked. Maybe I am not really a fan of FPS anymore.
Remember Me is terrible. Shadow Warrior simply isn't fun. The other 3 are cheap tries to cash in on established franchises.
I'm sorry for those who jumped on the hate bandwagon and missed on some great games, such as Crysis 2...

Really? You're going to use Crysis 2 as a bench mark for "great games". First Crysis, free roaming (or at least you could attack any objective anyway you wanted) , graphics that have stood the test of time and really pushed the envelop in its day.

Crysis 2, when it was released it was simply to prove consoles could run the new cryengine as on PC it actually looked considerably worse than the first, only after they patched in the high res graphics later down the line did it get any better. Now you had corridors to the same objective, the freedom was gone to do what you liked, they toned down the Physics considerably, I quite enjoyed punching trees into small chunks because I could! The story got confusing and you ended up playing as just a generic solder from a random Sub.

Crysis 2 is also the single biggest reason I do not pre-order games any more, I even took the day off for the day of release so I could play it, biggest disappointment in gaming history.
Both DA2 and Dark Souls 2 are not as good as their predecessors, but man, they're great games. In my opinion, DA2 is almost 100% inferior to Origins, but DS2 had some serious improvements over the first.

The Soul series is not only a love letter to anyone who likes dark medieval rpg, but also the ultimate lesson in pain.

I'm sorry for those who jumped on the hate bandwagon and missed on some great games, such as Crysis 2...

DA2 was just boring. The very fact that I completely forgot the story and the ending by now is telling enough.

Crysis 2 really sucked. Maybe I am not really a fan of FPS anymore.
DA2 was really underwhelming. They made such a big deal about the city being the setting, but the dungeons or whatever were really dull and repetitive and the city changed little over the many years that the story takes place. Everything outside the city looked like trash, even worse than DA:O. I liked a few of the characters, but the rest were crap. Being told all game that "all blood mages must die" then not being able to kill off the one party member who is a blood mage was pretty dumb considering that you could unwittingly fight and kill one of the best party members in DA:O before they join you. The story was okay, but they went overboard with the "illusion of choice" thing. Shouldn't even bother with dialogue at that point. The combat was generally fun since I didn't get bent out of shape over the "respawning" enemies and stabbing dudes so hard that they explode was so dumb it was good.

Crysis 2 felt like it was 1/3 of a game/comic/novel cross-media event, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. I didn't give a crap about the story or characters and by the end I was just stealthing past everything so I could finish the game and be done with it.
Out of all the choices, I loved Remember me the most of those games listed (Though I only have Bioshock 2 and Dragon Age II). That is a very interesting and fun story game to play!
I definitely concur with the Bioshock 2 recommendation. I think in many ways it was better than the first.

And also agree with Burty117's take on Crysis 2. It was crap compared to the original. Just your run-of-the-mill compartmentalized shooter.
Both DA2 and Dark Souls 2 are not as good as their predecessors, but man, they're great games. In my opinion, DA2 is almost 100% inferior to Origins, but DS2 had some serious improvements over the first.

The Soul series is not only a love letter to anyone who likes dark medieval rpg, but also the ultimate lesson in pain.

I'm sorry for those who jumped on the hate bandwagon and missed on some great games, such as Crysis 2...
I agree.
I have played dragon age 2 though I have not played origins. The thing I find problematic with these games the balance between classes like warrior and mage its just not there.
I played Remember Me on PS3. I rather not remember.

Bioshock 2 was just a cash in, as someone else mentioned. The first Bioshock still has one of the best collectors set of any game (a pewter Big Daddy) and the second replaced that with...a record. In addition, 2K hyped that you get to play as a Big Daddy as opposed to some human, but then you would be forgiven that you move just like you're a human protagonist and die like one.

The only other one I've played was Dragon Age II, but that game suffered from monotonous repetition of dungeons, graphics and missions. I sincerely hope that Dragon Age 3 does not follow that same formula.
Cool article - particularly since I just finished my virgin playthrough of DA2. And I loved it. I actually liked it better than Origins. I enjoyed Origins, but you can only do so many epics. For my tastes, the DA2 story gave me a sense of organic development; it's more a coming-of-age thing - with an ending that nonetheless has huge implications for Thedas as a whole. And, while I found the ending heart-breaking, I also found it very believable. (I wished to heck that I'd been paying closer attention to the long-term, erratic behavior of one of my friends.)

P.S. Mind you, the re-cycled dungeon thing. Meh. Do that in a Skyrim mod, and you'd get boo'd off of Nexus.
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Sorry but I have to disagree with the article a bit, in my opinion FEAR 3 isn't underrated at all. It might have some fun game modes but that's not the first thing that you test when you play a game, the first thing is the story (single or coop). It was basically the first fps game that I have ever played on an xbox...and all I had ever played on xbox back then was occasionally some fighting games...but to the point. I wasn't used to the controller, to aim with one stick and walk with an other, and then there was the problem with inverted controls, couldn't get used to it either way. I played the game in coop on the supposedly hardest mode which is available in the beginning and yet it only took me n my friend less than 6h to complete the game...there was no challenge and it was short...and when I say short I really mean short, like short without "hort", just "s"...
The disappointment was huge, and still is :(
You're way off the mark with F3AR, that was easily the worst in the series and horribly dumbed down, not worth playing at all.

Dragon Age 2 is a worthless pile of crap, they completely abused the intellectual property of the Dragon Age Origins universe to make this, almost all the hardcore fans of the first hate the sequel, for good reason.

Shadow warrior and Bioshock 2 I'd have to agree with however, they're not amazing games but they're a lot better than critics and some gamers would have you believe.