Google updates image search algorithm, makes it harder to find porn

Shawn Knight

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Google has implemented a new image search algorithm that now makes it much more difficult to find pornographic photos using the popular search engine, even with SafeSearch disabled. Google claims they are not censoring any adult content but there are at least some users that would disagree with that statement at this hour.

A Google spokesperson said they are simply trying to show explicit images only to individuals that are intentionally seeking them out. The algorithms they are using try to determine the most relevant results for any given query so if someone is looking for adult content, they might have to be a bit more specific in their search. The spokesperson said image search now works the same way as web search.

There’s already a Reddit thread where site members are speaking out about the change. One user recalled being able to find porn accidentally all the time but now typing in sexually explicit search terms finds nothing but innocent photos.

I ran a few queries with SafeSearch disabled to see if it was really as “bad” as Redditors were saying. I have no doubt that some of the terms I searched for would have otherwise pulled up some questionable photos but sure enough, I didn’t get any pornographic results with the first couple of terms. It wasn’t until I added supporting terms like “porn” or “nude” that I got some hits in the right direction.

Permalink to story.

I always wondered about this. I remember searching for something completely random and the whole second page had a bunch of porn >_>

That's what I get for having the safe search off lol
"I ran a few queries with SafeSearch disabled to see if it was really as ?bad? as Redditors were saying. I have no doubt that some of the terms I searched for would have otherwise pulled up some questionable photos but sure enough, I didn?t get any pornographic results with the first couple of terms. It wasn?t until I added supporting terms like ?porn? or ?nude? that I got some hits in the right direction."

Sounds like some good worthwhile research in the name of reporting to me. You really got into this story and got your hands dirty. ;)

Reminds me of my high school's dean of dicipline when asked what he would do if he caught a student with p0rn... his answer, 'Oh, I'd have to confiscate it immediately.'
Kudos to Google. Now if they'd just stop reading my email I'd start using their services again.
Searching for " mens junk" as suggested by the bexwhitt just brings up lots of images of t-shirts for me.

However, when searching for the childrens book " My big book of pretty pussies" its a whole different story.. blushes..

New algorithm not so good IMO :)
Well, since according to some studies, p0rn constitutes some 70% of web traffic, isn't this a shot on a foot for gUUgle?
Searching for " mens junk" as suggested by the bexwhitt just brings up lots of images of t-shirts for me.

However, when searching for the childrens book " My big book of pretty pussies" its a whole different story.. blushes..

New algorithm not so good IMO :)

Lmao nice search term there!

honestly I'd be happy if google can crack down on those BS sites that always occupy the first 3-5 spots in the results that just mimic whatever you search for and lead you to some adware junk app that promises to do anything and everything.
Then they need to make an individual search engine just for porn, they can call it:
Google Tube
a Google of videos and pictures, in one simple, easy, Google search.

hopefully Apple doesn't have a patent on that already.
The flipside of the algorithm making it more difficult to find porn is that when intentially seeking porn the results for it will likely be 'better'. Not gonna test my theory as results may still be subjective but the 'reverse code' is there.
Google isn't good for complex/double meaning words. As it gives unrelated links. Just stopping porn is just removing 1-5% out of 100%
Woah, woah, woah!

You were paid to write this article in which your research consisted of looking for porn on Google Images?

Sure beats what I do for a living...