halo trial question

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Is there any way i can put halo trail or any free multiplayer shooter (all i know is halo) on a cd so i can run it right off the cd and not install is so i can play it on my school computer.

I tried putting it on a cd and installing it at school but i need admin privliges
Rule 1: never attempt to play ANY 3d game on a school computer - they're the most pathetic peices of hardware known to the history of computing (in my opinion).

Rule 2: Even if you do get it running, you'll have a hard time trying to connect to other servers through a school pc. They bar almost all connections in my school apart form internet explorer.
My school computers are pretty good.
We are a technical and vocational school. I found out the password once to the admin and i installed halo trial but evan after they changed the password it was still on the computer. But now we are changing home room.

My freind played some game on his school computer i think it was quake can u tell me how
School computers are for working, doing research, etc. not playing games. You won't find such help here.
Sorry I don't know how, but take a leaf out of the other guys book: Do your work in class - not play games.
Take the 30 free minutes and do some studying, you might wind up the next Bill Gates instead of the common couch potatoe that loves Halo more than his life.
& seeing how great this thread is going, I'm closing it. Say goodbye FrozenCanine.
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