How to pronounce Hii?

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I haven`t got a clue what you`re referring to.

Care to give us a clue? ;)

What is Hii? Is it some word from another language or something?

Regards Howard :)
Thats not an English word as far as I know. Perhaps it is a location, I'm not going to google it though because I don't care enough. Maybe LeapingThongs should have googled it?
how to pronounce Hii?

Hii may not be a word. Hii may be a word. Hii may not be english word. Hii may be english word but regardless everything... how to pronounce Hii? in your opinion how do you pronounce Hii?

High or Hee? or what?

Po`Girl said:
The Wii - pronounced as the pronoun "we"

Therefore,the Hii must be pronounced "he"

thats a good one. I am thinking that its like Wii too... Wee.

so i think pronounce of Hii is Hee.... what everyone else think?
Well, why didn`t you say that in your original post? It would`ve saved a lot of confusion.

No wonder I could find any info on Google.

Do you often make up nonsense words?

In any case, as you made it up, you should know how it`s pronounced. :p

Regards Howard :)
Normally in English, if you have 2 of the same vowel in a row, it is pronounced the same way that vowel would on its own. So I'd say it is pronounced like Hi.

In any case, I think the question, and the way it was asked and followed up sounded like something I'd expect from a kid no older than 7. Good Job sounding like a little child.
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