Hypersonic plane goes from London to NY in one hour

Could you do that though?

I mean if I owned a plane, and I built my own airport, could I just fly in and out without going through customs?

Surely that isn't possible?
I am not sure but it seems like an idea worth considering, beside, you'd end up having to land on someone else's airport anyway, so the customs can always do what they want to check etc.
Cheaper to buy some third-world country* and install yourself ambassador (leaving some schmuck as figurehead to take the accolades/brickbats/assassins bullet)...diplomatic immunity PLUS governmental air travel funded by your impovrished minions.

* Make it a South Pacific island since the Hypersonic plane is supposed to run on biofuel made from seaweed
DBZ said:
Cheaper to buy some third-world country* and install yourself ambassador (leaving some schmuck as figurehead to take the accolades/brickbats/assassins bullet)...diplomatic immunity PLUS governmental air travel funded by your impovrished minions.

You don't even have to go 'third-world'.

Apparently, Lithuania was up for a buck on Ebay just last week...