Keyboard Issues

Most of the time my keyboard works well, but sometimes when I press the "o" key, the help screen comes up - no matter what software I'm using. I have to reboot to stop it. Then it's great for a while, but always starts again.

I just got a new shell with a new motherboard, but the problem has started up again. Any ideas?????? Thanks.
I suggest you to do a BIOS default. If the issue still exists, update the BIOS and Input Output keys and restart your PC.. Hope this will fix the issue.
I suggest you to do a BIOS default. If the issue still exists, update the BIOS and Input Output keys and restart your PC.. Hope this will fix the issue.

I tried all of that, but it didn't help. I'm having to type the "o" by copy/pasting it. Not very efficient. When I reboot, it's good for a while and then the problem returns.
Could still be keyboard...just harder to replace. Based on your description, I have been wondering f there is a keyboard controller chip which is failing - try a USB keyboard.