Laptops with Flash Memory?

I'm currently looking at buying my first laptop computer. I'm really late on this one.

From what I can see there are Laptops out there which have really low memory... probably flash memory, and they can take an SD card to boost that internal memory. Can computers like this run normal windows based programs?

I want to do some programming and run CodeBlocks(for programming in C++) on one. So should I be looking for a computer with a Hard Disk Drive or can I get away with one of these flash memory type laptops?

Are there any advantages to this type of PC besides compactness?

Assuming it comes with Win/10, don't skimp on memory; go with 8gb when possible. I program on my Dell laptop and the wide screen helps when you need to debug your work.
Samsung have only recently announced Nand hard disks , few and far between and probably very expensive , and small at 32gb , the smart thinking is that they will incorporate nand with conventional hard drive technology and produce hybrid disks with instant boot up and large storage .
Thanks for the replies. But I'm wondering how those netbooks which take an SD card can be used?
Do you need a HDD to use certain programs or are the minimal flash memory PC's (like that of a tablet) in those light weight PC's which take an SD card able to run normal windows programs?