Nearly a dozen Bitcoin Foundation members resign following election of new director

Shawn Knight

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Nearly a dozen members of the Bitcoin Foundation have resigned following last week’s election of Brock Pierce as its new director, casting an unwanted shadow over the annual Bitcoin conference which kicked off on Thursday.

Pierce, a former Disney child star and Bitcoin entrepreneur, has a checkered past. Three of Pierce’s former employees – minors at the time – claim he offered them drugs and pressured them for sex while working at now-bankrupt web video company Digital Entertainment Network.

The accusations first surfaced nearly 15 years ago and have since been resolved. As Reuters points out, court documents show he settled with one of his accusers for $21,000. The other two suits were also dropped although no money exchanged hands, Pierce claims.

In an e-mailed statement to the publication, Pierce said the allegations against him aren’t true and that he has never had intimate or sexual contact with any of those involved in the lawsuits.

Others, like Patrick Alexander, pointed to the track record of prominent Bitcoin Foundation members in general. Alexander said in a post on its discussion pages that he no longer wanted to be associated with such people.

The 10 people that have resigned thus far represent a small fraction of the overall membership. According to Bitcoin Foundation General Counsel Patrick Murck, the foundation has over 1,500 members and will rebound from the controversy.

The Bitcoin conference is being held in Amsterdam and runs through Saturday. More than 1,000 investors, enthusiasts and business people are expected to attend.

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I'm just wondering when this Bitcoin fad will run it's course and finally fade into obscurity.

Unless there is a catastrophic breach of Bitcoin's security (the "currency" itself, not wallets), this is starting to look like something a bit more than a fad. The whole reason people have bought into the crypto currency product is growing mistrust of western gov'ts and banking authorities. Seeing as neither of those entities can or will do anything meaningful to improve their relationship with the public in the foreseeable future, there's a good chance Bitcoin could cement itself as an electronic commodity. At this point, the only thing holding it back is corporate endorsement.
"At this point, the only thing holding it back is corporate endorsement."

You just want real world producers to give up 5 and half billion dollars in goods for something people made up? Davis give me all your assets and I'll give you a promissory note. I think my note will feature a picture of Kanye.
Just like in the 1990s, it'll fade into obscurity just like email! Oh wait..
Smacks of new world order infiltration particularly when the word "Disney" is used. MK Ultra victim if ever there was one!! Rather than fade away, sit back and watch Bitcoin go into overdrive! One government, one bank, one currency, one language, centrally controlled food & utility supply, centrally controlled military, Internet, the list goes on...........
Unless there is a catastrophic breach of Bitcoin's security (the "currency" itself, not wallets), this is starting to look like something a bit more than a fad. The whole reason people have bought into the crypto currency product is growing mistrust of western gov'ts and banking authorities. Seeing as neither of those entities can or will do anything meaningful to improve their relationship with the public in the foreseeable future, there's a good chance Bitcoin could cement itself as an electronic commodity. At this point, the only thing holding it back is corporate endorsement.
Yeah but lets face it, when it comes to money and wealth there's no such thing as honesty and fairness.
Idk the dollar fad is still going strong

Better the devil you know, though.

Personally, I would rather have the Bank of England manipulating my currency.