Need advice from Information Systems people

Hello! I am a grad student studying Information Systems and need some advice or feedback from anyone about what concentration I should focus on and what is really hire-able. I am enrolled at DePaul University and there are 5 different concentrations: Business Analysis/Systems Analysis, Business Intelligence, Database Administration, IT Enterprise Management, and Standard. I would like to stay more involved with the tech side of things, so I was gravitating more toward Database, but I don't want to be pigeonholed and like the idea of being able to do multiple things if I choose. A more in-depth view of the course curriculum for each concentration can be found here:

Any advice would be very much appreciated!!
Business Analysis/Systems Analysis,
Business Intelligence,
Database Administration,
IT Enterprise Management,
and Standard.
Yea, STD, the catch-all :giggle:

Back in '66 when I started, none of these existed and via OJT and some good books, I feel I can go head-to-head on most of this. Let me explain.
  • Standard - - basically undefined
  • DB Admin - - basically how to create, backup, restore databases and to create reasonable SQL. You can get all of that for yourself via several books. The BIG concept is 3rd Normal Form; how to get tables into this state, which will force good SQL
  • Enterprise Management - - how to create, restore and protect corporate systems. Again you can learn this from any (good) Microsoft Sever book. Get certified on this and you are subject to 24/7 call-outs from home - - Hey Joe, you need to come in because ...
  • Business Intelligence - - imo a crash course in reading system logs and running crafty SQL to learn/see what users do, post, know, or want to known. Interesting but -- YAWN
  • Business Analysis/Systems Analysis - - IMO, by far the most interesting and requires the skills of a detective. "I see facts A,B,...N. What do they mean?"
Skills not mentioned afore - - Networking & Security. These will be the growth areas and coupled with a good book on SQL/3rd normal form and you will be very marketable.