Personal Mail Server - Saving binary attachments

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Know of a POP3/SMTP server that will save attachments in their original format ?
As example, we may receive a FAX (FAX123.TIF) as Email attachment.
I want to copy it to the fax-processing-system and delete the Email.

I tried Pegasus/Mercury but it saves everything in plain text files.
ShareMailPro, SmartMail, and most other generic servers do not have a save-attachments feature.

Currently reviewing "Email Parser" programs used by the spammers but they are complicated and expensive.
Any ideas ?
When you say it saves it as text-files, it is just gibberish right when you open it right?

If so, what you want is to UUDECODE it to get the original file. There are plenty of programs & libraries to enable you to do this, though which works best with your mailserver, I do not know.

Good Luck!
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