Programming Language

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Hi. Im just wondering if ne1 knows the best programming language to chosse. I've tried dark basic to make 3D games. Im wondering is there any programming language that can do everything. Like make 2D and 3D games, have internet commands, registry commands, system commands. I dont think visual basic. NET can make 3D games. Ijust need some suggestions on any good programming languages.

Thanx :) :) :)
You can make games in anything. It just depends on your skills and devotion.

If you want to make a game worth anything you should choose the language you are the most comfortable with. And also try to get a hold of some realism when judging your skills :p

You don't even have to use a programming language to make a (not so impressive) game.
Have you heard of tools like "Games Factory", "PIE 3D", Milkshape 3D?
I've tried making a 3D game in VB, but it was crappy. As a matter of fact, all my VB games suck. So far all I've found VB good for is utilities (like shred, etc.).
No offense, but the quality of a game depends mostly on the maker of the game, not the tools used :p

You can make your "game" look prettier by using some pre-made tools but that doesn't mean the game would be any good.
Visual Basic (VB6) can be used to make 3d games using either OpenGL or DirectX, but you'll find that it is a lot easy to program either graphics api if you use C/C++. If you plan on making 3d games e.g. FPS games then the Doom and Quake Source Code are both worth a look.

Dark Basic is supposed to be pretty good at making games, as it is based on C++ AFAIK. But for making simple tools, and knocking up programs quickly, nothing comes close to VB
Yeah, I'd say that my VB programs are "knocked up". What language are Quake and Doom written in? Definitely not VB.
Is Java anything like C? I've never done any programming in C, so I wouldn't know. Isn't there a language called TopLink which allows the two to communicate?
my friend is making a rpg for ps2 with c++.

java is sorta like c++, or at least so i am told by my friend. i have not gotten around to messing with java yet.
Java is a lot like C++ which is a lot like C. But java is very different from C.

TopLink isn't really a programming language and not quite "allowing them to communicate". It's a tool that lets you kep Java objects in databases.
That is if the TopLink that you mean is the TopLink I mean-
Originally posted by Jaf
I've tried dark basic to make 3D games.

C++ for the brave and skilled.

Dark Basic for those who's imagination exceeds their patience.



Seriously this thing is not a gimmic it was used to teach computer games programming in a University I worked at.
Originally posted by me(who else?)
Is Java anything like C?

Most modern programming languages like C++, C#, Java and Perl are derived from C. C is the mother programming language.

C++, C#, Java and to some extent Perl are different from C in a very special way, though. They use a modern way of thinking about programming that's very powerful. They are object oriented.

You will probably be familiar with some kinds of programming, probably traditional system design where you did things like:

10print "hello world"
20 goto 10

and so forth.

Object oriented programming differs from this. In this, the code (methods) and datatypes (variables that are used) are bundled together into structures called objects - custom built programming components that contain all of the programming and interior components that they need to operate and be placed as a unifed structure into programs that we write.

Blueprints for these objects are called classes.

Code for a class may (and will) contain declarations of data types (their names, their initial values, etc) and then programming code which is destined specifically to be used with those datatypes.

Here is what a crude class looks like

Class person

datatypes used

string address;
string first name;
string second name;
int age;
int dateofbirth;

program methods used
procedure to set the name;
procedure to set the address;
procedure to set the dateofbirth;
a procedure that's internal only for calculating the age from the date of birth;

You get the picture.

You build these objects, create various instances of them, and then make them react off of each other and off of other classes.

To some extent, you still get this sort of thing:

10Input"What is your name?", name$
20print name$
30 goto 20

But its also deeply about a completely different way of programming which, if you are not familiar with that sort of thing, or if you learned to program in the traditional way, can be a litte hard to get your head round at first.

If you are going to do ANY programming, learn some C first and then maybe move to something nicer like Java, and do the Dark Basic games programming as a side project.
BTW - I wouldn't try to learn VB for that right now - rumor is (I spoke directly with an MS employee) that VB will soon be reserved for MS Office only.
VB is pants. VB is not programming. Its rubbish. Its programming for dummies, and its utterly crap.

Learn C first, just the ABCs as a precursor, then something higher level like Java or C#. C# is the Microsoft solution, Java is everyone else. Perl is used mainly for system administration and stuff to do with text processing, etc. What you want is Java probably.

This book is good:

I'm currently studying Java at the university, and after having been highly sceptical of it I must admit it is a very versatile language.

All programs you create will be able to work on any system that that the JVM is available on, it's quite intuitive and not too hard to get into.

I would not learn C first.
This is because, as Phantasm says, Java and C++ (and C# (if one can call that a language on it's own)) is an Object-Oriented Programming language (OOP) and thus has a radicly different approach on how to do things.

While learning C would teach you a lot you might/will use later, it would also mean learning an "outdated" programming "thinking" and then OOP.
(I had a hard time going from VB to Java, and VB is a much more OOP than C will ever be)

Why learn Java instead of C++?
Java will work on any system with a JVM on it, whereas in C++ you'll have to change your code to port from one platform to another.
Java is a language which is very much oriented towards Distributed Computing, with class libraries to get everything set up easily.
Java is a powerful language who's programs can either be run as stand-alone programs, or (with very little modification) be run in a web-browser
And lastly, Java is becoming (if it has not allready) the defacto language at universities. Thus if you learn Java, a degree could be within your grasp :)

No matter if you choose Java or C++, they're quite similar languages (with Java being based on C++) so it won't be too hard to learn one if you know the other.

When it comes to what book to use to learn programming, I have a couple of suggestions.

For C++ I've found "C++ A Beginners Guide" by "Schildt" from "Osborn publishing" to present everything in an easily grasped way. (But read in it a bit before you buy it make sure you feel the same)

For Java, I don't have a book I can recommend (although Schildt has written a book about Java too). But I have a couple I can warn you about.
Do not buy JavaGently 2ed. It is absolute crap, and should never have existed!
3rd edition is ok, but has one great let-down. It uses special classes to teach you.

When getting a book to learn programming, I highly suggest staying away from the books that uses special classes to make it easier for you. Especially if they use it for more than reading from keyboard/file and to file/screen, but also for GUI programming etc.
The reason I say this is that after you've done learning those special classes, you have to learn what Java really uses.
Yes, Java's standard might be a bit hairy in the read/write op I listed above, but you won't be finding yourself coding with commands no-one but those who's read the book know about.

If you're on the University, it's another matter again, as there you will learn the "real" way of doing it too, they're only "dumbing it down" for the first few courses.

One last thing when it comes to which book to buy. Buy a highly rated, but "slim" (5-600 pages) book.
You don't need a bible to get started in programming, and getting one will only frustrate you until you know enough to make sense of it.
Check out what is recommended at, then go to a regular bookstore and read a bit in the book.
If you get a book with high ratings, but you can't understand/don't like the approach it's worthless!

Also making sure you get a good book you understand will make learning the language eaiser (as you won't sit there wondering what the h... is going on as I did with Java Gently 2ed).

Hope this helps you in choosing language and book :)
I learned how to program in Vb when I was 11, so I already knew how to program (a bit) when I started Java. VB's really easy (4-gen I think), when you add items you place them on the form where you want them, etc. It sucks for anything complicated (calling APIs :dead: , directx, etc)but you can make simple apps with t pretty quickly.
Adding things to the form is not a feature of the programming language - it is the feature of the programming tool. All modern languages have some sort of a visual designer.

For a beginner interested in programming, not making cool stuff fast I also suggest Java.

It is a new language so they have had the chance to learn from others' mistakes and make it easy to learn/use.
It was built from ground up so it's neat - no obscure hacks and workarounds (mostly).
Everything's an object - you get OOP stuffed in from your ears from the beginning and you start thinking in the right patterns right away.
It is a lot like C++ so you can easily move on to a "real" programming language.
You don't have to bother with underlying OS and hardware.
Free tools that are actually usable.

All the "cool" and "1337" people will make fun of you.
It's slow.
Calling OS APIs is tricky.
Nodsu, all the "cool" and "1337" people will make fun of you no matter what programming language you're using (except for assembler), so how that's a "Con" I don't know... (Because if they didn't make fun of you, how could they be "1337" and "cool"?)

And java isn't as slow as it was when it first was announced... Granted, it's not as efficient as C++, but it isn't all that much slower anymore. (Some programs actually runs faster in Java than C++)

No argument on the OS API part. But often it's just a matter of finding a class someone else made who does that for you...
Yeah, if you are wanting to learn to program then the general consensus seems to be go for Java.

It looks a little daunting at first with all this "public void" and "private static" stuff but it does actually make a great deal of sense when you learn it.

Learning C first would give you a strong background to most forms of modern programming languages, though as Mr G pointed out its not object orientated and so perhaps not worth bothering with right now since it will make OO code seem weirder later.

Yeah, go for Java.

public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)

System.out.println("Hello from Phantasm66!");


If you want to compile and run it, then go to

And download their FREE and excellent Java Programming Environment!

Its what I am using right now to code in Java, and its first class. It will help you compile the code and will also tell you where you are going wrong if you make a mistake. You MUST download it. Its free!
Originally posted by MrGaribaldi
Java will work on any system with a JVM on it, whereas in C++ you'll have to change your code to port from one platform to another.

Well I wont go into all the reasons why but c++ is far and away the langauge I am most fond of and I have dealt with most of the ones discussed here. I want to just clear up this statement garibaldi, pure c++ does not need to be ported at all. It's when you start to mix into it some platform specific API calls that this need begins to arise. i think that's what you're getting at but i was like "whoa! time to defend my language!" lol =)
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